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Friday, August 22, 2014

Salisbury Police Department Military Surplus: ARMORED TRUCK!


The Candy Store is OPEN at YOUR expense. SPD preparing for their own RIOTS?


  1. I think that all white people should make sure they are prepared for these riots , it's a commin folks. I'm rteady and so are the other 336,000 hunters in Md. , 600,000 Hunters in Penn., and on and on. In the bible it said the rivers shall flow red with blood. So be it!!

  2. Someone really needs to step in and stop this madness. I cannot believe that all the police can agree with this. Where is the outcry from our government officials on this equipment which we do not need and will never need.

  3. Actually it's not madness.The fine print attached to these goodies includes the possibility that local law enforcement can now be deployed.That will be a huge military compensation in the event of a war.By that time they will have learned how to use all of this Rambo looking stuff.

  4. Hopefully the police are preparing to protect us from the racist blacks that are escalating the mob violence, looting and racial attacks on whites. If not... it's not going to be pretty when millions of Americans begin to defend themselves and put an end to this racism and madness in the black culture.

    1. Kick my door in and there will be numerous pants on the ground.

  5. there is your damn problem poster 10:14 PM as usual you want someone else to step in and do it for you... Well those damn days are gone, no knight will come in and save the day... IT IS UP TO YOU AND I the populous to fix this and if you want others to do if for you, then were doomed...

  6. Once they have the equipment, they will need to find (or create) a reason to use it.

  7. Now that we have an armored truck, we'll need a "drill" to practice using it.

  8. All I ever see with SPD is bunch of fat out of shape doughnut eaters. Or a couple of young bucks that are still wet behind the ears. Don't forget the chief of police who's part owner of a Dunkin Doughnuts franchise. She's the 1 with her head so far up Sheriff Lewis a$$ it would make your head spin. If I want 2 spin, i'll go back to my childhood days and play with my toy called the sit& spin.

    We have mines buried in Wicomico County?

  10. A war on American soil isn't completely out of the question.That way the journalists who stand around for whatever reason with bullets whizzing by their heads won't have to go far to cover the action.What better way to be prepared than by having our local LE armed and ready?


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