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Friday, August 29, 2014

Salisbury Declares Surplus Property

SALISBURY – A few items came before the Salisbury City Council this week to be declared as surplus, including a list of 60 bicycles with the goal to donate a portion while the other will be posted for bid.

According to Assistant Director of Internal Services Jennifer Miller, the City of Salisbury Internal Services Department Procurement Division received a request from the Salisbury Police Department to declare 60 bicycles surplus. All items were found, forfeited or unclaimed and attempts to return items to known owners have been unsuccessful. It is the request of the Salisbury Police Department that items are either sold at auction or donated locally.

Councilwoman Laura Mitchell reminded the public to register bicycles with the police department, so that the bicycle can be returned to the rightful owner when recovered.

The form to register a bicycle can be found on the police department’s website at www.salisburypd.com.



  1. I wonder if any are the bikes that were chained all together on the bike rack at the government building.

  2. Disturbing that a council member's comments are part of a police press release. And a candidate for other office at that.


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