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Friday, August 29, 2014

Researcher Says CDC ‘Chose to Cover Up’ Data Linking Autism With Vaccines…but There’s More to the Story

“Too many vaccines too soon.” This mantra is one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has sought to address in many studies. At this time, it has concluded that there is no increased risk for autism caused by vaccines.

But a recent study that reevaluated some of the CDC’s data from its previous research and the admission of a so-called whistleblower called into question this stance.

Dr. Brian Hooker, who is with the Focus Autism Foundation, an organization dedicated to exposing causes of autism, published a study in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration earlier this month that found African-American boys who received the vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella before they were 36 months old were 3.4 times more likely to develop autism. This conclusion was reached after Hooker reviewed data from a 2004 CDC study’s dataset.



  1. But, the doctors said it was fine! Of course, they get a kick back per shot... but, that has nothing to do with it.

    America logic = GMO's are bad, because anti-gmo researchers (who profit from "organics") said it was. Meanwhile, vaccines are good, because pro vaccine researchers said it was.

    Flawed all the way around.

  2. does anyone remember Thalidomide? don't forget the "tax" to gubmint collects from each vaccination!

  3. Anyone who thinks vaccines cause autism (or any other serious problem) is an idiot. There is absolutely no evidence that they do. Only deluded, conspiratorial morons could believe such a thing in the face of such overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

  4. 4:47
    OK I will bite. Where do I find the evidence?

    Fair warning: I wont accept "evidence" from Corporate funded research. It must be independent.

  5. 4:47 back up your empty talk. need proof. have any??? I doubt it. please go back under your rock.


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