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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Rand Paul: Obama Can't Rule by 'Royal Edict' on Immigration

“Who does he think he is?” asked a bewildered Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) during a political event in Iowa, referring to President Obama’s efforts to act on his own on immigration reform.

Paul noted that even though he supported some kind of immigration reform, he was concerned about Obama acting unilaterally to solve the problem.

“You can’t do it by royal edict. We can’t have a king doing it,” he said, a video of the event shows.

He blamed President Obama for increasing the problems at the southern border, particularly with the current border crisis of unaccompanied minors claiming asylum.

“All throughout Central America, every child and family believes that he will not send them home, so they are all coming,” he warned.



  1. Yes he can because the Republicans don't have anyone with enough balls to stand up against him.

  2. 2:31 PM Or the republican are playing the same orchestrated game and don't really want things to change.

  3. "the Republicans don't have anyone with enough balls to stand up against him."

    NO political party is postured to deal with the excesses and corruption of this administration. They are simply not designed to deal with a self-imposed ruler. Frankly, this is becoming a job for the military.

  4. This is land of people and this not kingdom of England!!!

  5. 5:32 And which side is the military gonging to be on? It only takes one elected member of congress, either Republican or Democrat to bring impeachment proceedings to the House floor. And, as much as America has been waiting for someone to step up to the plate, it looks like the politicians are all in bed together.


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