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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Police Won't Release Name Of Officer Who Shot Missouri Teen, Citing Death Threats

FERGUSON, Mo. – The Rev. Al Sharpton pressed police Tuesday to release the name of the officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in suburban St. Louis, and he pleaded for calm after two nights of violent protests over the young man's death.

Police said death threats prompted them to withhold the name of the officer, who was placed on administrative leave after fatally shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, where the incident has stoked racial tension, rallies and a night of looting.

Investigators have released few details, saying only that a scuffle unfolded after the officer asked Brown and another teen to get out of the street. At some point, the officer's weapon fired inside a patrol car, police said.



  1. Obama-Knight Riots coming to your area thanks to a Kenya President...

  2. Put his name out. Maybe then they'll stop shooting people. Occupational hazard.

  3. maybe, just maybe you all will stand up with us now?

    nope I didn't think so...

  4. Wish I had nothing better to do besides loot stores and protest all day.....oh thats right I have a job...

  5. Don't attack police officers and they won't shoot you. Pretty simple.

  6. Who attacked who 9:03?
    Eye witnesses prove the cop instigated and escalated the confrontation.
    These people should direct their revenge at the cops, not local businesses.

    1. Prove? These people don't care. They riot because they have no values.

  7. This is so true, look at all the crap that poor guy got down in Florida for shooting that man that was casing out a house to break into.

  8. 9:03...What?! Did you really say that??

  9. The "victim" attacked the officer while in the driver's seat of his. Don't attack police officers and they will not shoot you. pretty simple.

  10. This is the beginning phase of the next step toward total police state. To begin withholding this type of information has had to come, for law enforcement officials can only tell us "the officer acted in accordance with policy" so often. But, when policy is broken this is what will now happen.., they are going to withhold, deny and cover up.

  11. I laugh that the community has a vigil for the young man, then goes out and creates chaos and violence. Protest violence, then perform violent acts? Stay classy. Not a color thing, either.

  12. It all started because a couple of kids were walking in the street,now a young man who had just graduated from high school and was to start college in the fall is dead.The cop should have told those kids,hey guys don't walk in the street and even if they came back with a smart ass remark remember they are just kids.That cop should have ignored it and been on his way.That young man would be alive and the cops would have actually gained a little respect.One thing is for damn sure that community will NEVER respect the cops now.

  13. if cop's name is revealed hope he's black

  14. 10:18 is another stupid, arrogant cop.
    DOZENS of people are shot by the police, some in the back (!!), EVERY YEAR. They are often unarmed. They get shot because you short pansy-ass oompah loompahs can't tell the difference between an air gun and an AR-15, don't have any self control or self discipline, don't think at all and are so afraid of every shadow that your first move is to blast away.
    I guess you missed the story about the two cops killing a 13 year old kid walking through his own neighborhood with an air-soft gun. Thirteen years old.
    Or the 60 Minutes FILM (!) of a cop handcuffing a man to a lamp pole and stepping back and shooting him (after he politely told the man's daughter to get in the house and shut the door).
    Or maybe you missed the FILM of the Oakland police shooting a tear gas canister at the head of a Marine. And hitting him with it.
    Perhaps you missed the FILM of the six cops unloading everything they had at a former Marine who was standing in his living room because his wife told him there were masked men outside his house. They turned him into hamburger in front of his wife.
    And, believe it or not, cops called these "good shoots", like 'we, the people" are merely clay pigeons.
    The Gestapo kills HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of citizens every year.
    Not ONE TIME has any of you midgets EVER came on here and said, "hmmmm, maybe he shouldn't have shot that kid (or that woman, or that teenager).
    What's your excuse for all this carnage?
    Right. FEAR.
    I don't even know how you can say that with a straight face. But you do.

  15. Imclain,
    Dozens may be shot by police, but thousands are raped and murdered by other blacks. I see no outrage about that. As to St.Louis we need to wait to see what the investigation shows. If the cop is wrong he should pay. If the man was wrong then maybe others can learn from his mistake. Either way, Sharpton will stir things up and there will be more violence. The truth won't make a difference for some people.

  16. 99% of all police shootings are clearly justified. Unfortunately you can't say that about black on black murders.

  17. Before you go crucifying this cop - how many of you pinheads were whining about poor little Trayvon before the truth slowly came out? Yeah - some cops lie. But 'witnesses' LIE, too. And damn sure, the media LIES.

  18. 99% are justified??? Clearly??? By other cops!
    That says all you need to know....
    By the way, the "justified" also included the 13 yr old kid.
    Understand that I, a regular citizen would go to PRISON for shooting a 13 year old kid holding an air gun, even I swore on a Bible that I was in fear. Even if he was standing in my doorway, screaming his lungs out.
    The VERY first thing the prosecutor would point out to the jury is "it was only an air-soft gun, ladies and gentleman. This child was murdered because he had an air gun!" Guilty, they would say....
    Oh wait. The police killed him?
    Well, okay, then.
    Finally, there's a BIG difference in violence done to one by their peers as opposed to that done by government officials. When an armed agent of the government takes your life, or rapes you, or robs you, and it is sanctioned (99% are, apparently, right?), then how safe are we to feel in their presence, especially considering their propensity to escalate things like a broken taillight into a full blown murder scene.
    Get real.
    And like 1:23 pointed out, the cop COULD have just let it go. Ignoring a "Don't walk in the street" command can get you killed? Really??
    That's called "escalation".
    And that ain't right, by any measure.

    1. You obviously hate our country. Maybe you should move.

  19. One thing I don't understand. Blacks kill each other in record numbers and their community is silent. Blacks kill whites, asians and hispanics and their community is silent. Blacks kill cops and their community is silent. But let a non-black or a cop kill a black (often in self-defense) and suddenly the community explodes and demands 'justice'. How can anyone take these 'protests' seriously?

  20. Ignoring "don't walk in the street" command isn't what got the suspect killed. Are you really that stupid? The POS attacked the officer while seated in the car and went for his gun. End of story. The POS got what he deserved for attacking the officer.

  21. 7:07....can't you read? ESCALATION by the police is what got this kid killed.
    The cop just couldn't stand some black teenager not jumping at his commands. That "crime", walking in the street, was just a reason an excuse, for the cop to be a bad-ass. The cop wanted to make sure the kid knew who was the boss. And he sure did that. How's that working out now??
    6:11...I served my country honorably (have YOU?)-- most likely while you were still crapping in your diapers -- and resent (and resist) those who believe they are above the law or above the reach of the law. That can be politicians or cops, or wealthy people, or certain demographic groups --- anyone who believes the laws (and punishments) are only for the serfs, the peasants, the "rest of y'all", just NOT them.
    Equal justice under the law is not some slogan. The rule of law is what distinguishes our country from nations like North Korea, the Soviet Union, China, etc.
    I also believe that public servants should actually SERVE the public. Not attack, beat, rob, rape, assualt, steal, lie, and murder anyone because they wear a badge. Or have a high position in government.
    The "rule of law" is breaking down because the citizenry see
    such glaring disparities in who gets held accountable for the very same actions. This kind of stuff has brought down EMPIRES.
    If you don't see that, you haven't been paying attention.
    Probably all caught up in that cheering thing.

  22. It's sad you don't have the ability to comprehend and look at actual facts in the case, not made up ones you have in you mind. Beat a police officer while he sits in his car for asking you to get out of the street will get you shot and rightfully so. This a citizen problem, not a police problem.

  23. Oh. YOU know "the facts", huh?
    You have some inside connection that he rest of us don't?
    Or are you making some up to fit your own scenario?
    The FACT is that hundreds of people are killed by the police every year. The FACT is that some of them weren't doing anything wrong at all, or SAID something the Gestapo didn't like (which, just to clue you in, is our RIGHT under the law - two things cops have long forgotten).
    The FACT is that police are protected and exonerated by THEMSELVES and a compliant States Attorney.
    Can you, with a straight face, actually say that the kid who was just running his drunk mouth to 3 cops (with an attack dog) was such a frightening spectacle to them that they could "justifiably" beat him into the hospital with 200 (!!) stitches and numerous dog bites?
    Because thats what they said --- "we were afraid" and the States Attorney agreed. Three armed men with a trained attack dog and bulletproof vests and guns, too, were AFRAID of an unarmed kid??
    CITIZENS looked at that and said "WTF??".
    When the police, across the nation, in every city and down to the tiniest town, think they have the right to dish out "what people deserve" or administer their own "justice", well, you get we have going on now --- backlash, blowback, and civil unrest.
    JUSTIFY that kid's near murder by the police and I will stop hounding you midgets. BUT, do not use the word "deserved" in your response. Giving people what they deserve is NOT, and never has been, your job.
    I'll be waiting.

  24. "Oh. YOU know "the facts", huh?"

    Newsflash Imclain - if anyone on this board is fact-free, it is you. Expand your horizons beyond InfoWars. A little intellectual independence might do you some good.


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