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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pole dancing on the O.C. boardwalk? No thanks

Ocean City fears it is powerless to regulate suggestive dancing on the boardwalk

Pole dancing got a toehold on Ocean City’s boardwalk over the weekend, and neither city officials nor area merchants seem too thrilled.

Saturday night, an unidentified woman wearing a bikini set up a pole on the boardwalk and danced for onlookers. Police were powerless to do anything – a federal court recently ruled that street performers have a right to perform in public places like the boardwalk, apparently even if what they do is decidedly adult-oriented. And though she doesn't seem to have been back since, the dancer clearly made an impression.

"It was disgusting, it doesn’t belong anywhere here," said Joe Kro-Art, the owner of Ocean City’s famous Ocean Gallery art shop, who had a front-row seat for Saturday night’s performance – and promptly called the cops. "If this is not dealt with, then every resort on the East Coast is going to have pole dancers."



  1. Did she remove any clothing? If not, I don't see the problem.

  2. Oh the humanity! the horror! she took up space that could have been used for another t-shirt kiosk!!
    Or a billboard with a list of what is banned on the boardwalk! No wait you would need an entire library to house that list.

  3. it is gymnastist on a vertical pole. nothing more. were people putting money in her clothing? was she takening clothes off? was she dressed any different than hundreds of others on the boardwalk? No is the answer.

  4. I wish she would set up in front of my store.

  5. Joe Art would be fine with compensates though.

  6. Maybe these clowns will start to realize how much this area is becoming less 'family-friendly'.

    The local businesses need to ramp up their complaints to the local elected officials......

  7. "were people putting money in her clothing?"

    I heard that yes some were trying and maybe did succeed in putting money in her clothing.

  8. 10:44 It was night time. Yes she was dress differently than others. How many people do you see walking on the boardwalk at night in a bikini?
    There is no vertical pole in gymnastics. Uneven and parralel bars are used in gynastics NOT a vertical pole.

  9. "The local businesses need to ramp up their complaints to the local elected officials......

    August 13, 2014 at 10:57 AM"

    Ocean City did a dumb thing by signing the consent decree. That would be something done when there is no possibility of an action affecting anyone other than the parties involved in the suit. Forethought should have told them that by signing it may prevent future action from taken, that directly affects the public.

  10. Don't be so naïve to think that some weren't trying to put money in her clothes. That's part of the pole dancing 'experience' for others. She knows it otherwise she would have worn a leotard or some other type of gym clothing.

  11. Actually 10:44 she was dressed differently that 99% of the people on the Boardwalk at that particular time.

  12. Guy Aires the town's attorney has not served us well on the boardwalk performer issue. I think the town could use a younger, less complacent lawyer.

  13. Pole dancing has been a fitness trend for a few years now. Get with the times bumpkins.

  14. Had she been swinging around the pole with a cigar/cigarette in her mouth, Kro-Art's head would've exploded.
    Karma for all his annoying commercials.

  15. 11:53 Then maybe she should wear "fitness" clothing.

  16. This girl has no self respect. Very sad. The people who watched her degrade herself should be ashamed. This is not fitness it is pole dancing with minimal clothing. Children should not be exposed to this.

  17. What a bunch of immoral and ignorant idiots thinking that pole dancing is acceptable on the boardwalk. Keep that trash in the strip clubs!
    I pray to God that you people don't have children. If you do, I can only imaging what type of delinquents these children turned out to be!

  18. Damn I wish I had been there I missed the hole show.

  19. seriously? oc is such a sh!thole any more. This might actually give the resort a better image! couldn't be any worse looking that some of the fat ignorant tattooed slobs strolling around with their guts hanging out! and those are the women!

  20. Mr. Art gallery guy would rather have male strippers... then it'd be ok.

    I have no issue with stripping and prostitution, as long as they're attractive... meaning it couldn't work around here.

  21. "Anonymous said...
    Pole dancing has been a fitness trend for a few years now. Get with the times bumpkins.

    August 13, 2014 at 11:53 AM"

    You are the "bumpkin" clearly lacking in any sophistication whatsoever. Stuff like this happens in a trailer park but not out in the streets of a trendy cosmopolitan city like Alexandria VA or Adams Morgan a neighborhood in DC. The people I know who reside in these areas, who are far far from "bumpkins" would even make fun of pole dancing as a form of exercise. And these are gorgeous young professional women who turn heads constantly.

  22. 11:53-I'm hardly a "bumpkin"- (which I had to Google the meaning) I've been to Ibiza Spain, The Canary Islands, Monte Carlo- Monaco, Isle of Capri-Italy, Phuket Thailand and other resorts considered trendy and stylish and frequented by the upper class of society and celebrities. Not once have I seen a pole dancer in the walk areas. I can't remember seeing a dancer at all though gypsies playing instruments are around and common, artists and people selling flower bouquets are seen.
    It's just that Americans like to try and outdo each other on trashiness.

  23. 12:30 You are 100% correct.

    2:17 You've been to Phuket and you're offended by someone in a bikini pole dancing on the boardwalk. Hope you didn't kiss any cherry boys. LOL

  24. 1:33 is an idiot. Pole dancing as an exercise has become extremely popular, particularly with upperclass women in the 30-40 age range. Also, I don't frequent trailer parks, but I can't remember ever seeing this done in one.

    12:06 made a good point, perhaps if the girl wore a more "gym workout" type outfit, it would help alleviate some of the displeasure about this. I think it could also be assumed that the dancing done here was not at all like what you see in a strip club. I had no idea the eastern shore was so high class, the snobs are really coming out of the wood work for this one.

  25. I don't have a problem with it but if people do maybe she could bring some life to the downtown plaza!

  26. lol @ Joe Art - he has nastier posters in his shop than what is being displayed by this pole dancer (example - the Pink Floyd women poster with about 7 nude ladies hip-to-hip.)

  27. This is why i dispise MD... its full of nanny state libtarded...morons OC IS A JOKE..who cares..more skin on the sands then from the pole dancer ....give it up OC !!! You are NOT family friendly

  28. Why are you people so obsessed with what she was wearing? That's not the issue nor has it ever been. A woman on the Boardwalk in a bathing suit isn't a problem until the woman decides to dry hump a metal rod on said boardwalk.

  29. "Anonymous said...
    Pole dancing has been a fitness trend for a few years now. Get with the times bumpkins.

    August 13, 2014 at 11:53 AM"

    You need to "get with the times." It was never really that popular to begin with and hit it's peak as a fitness trend back in 2010.
    Dedicated pole dancing studios today, are a fraction of what they were in 2010-2011.
    Many gyms that held classes have scaled back and/or cancelled the classes completely.

  30. Anonymous said...
    it is gymnastist on a vertical pole. nothing more. were people putting money in her clothing? was she takening clothes off? was she dressed any different than hundreds of others on the boardwalk? No is the answer.

    August 13, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    What is a "gymnastist" and how do you "takening" clothes?

  31. Great point 3:42. Along with being immoral, lack of education & ignorance & characteristics of supporters as 10:44 clearly proves.

  32. Why don't you put to like articles together. I just saw 2 other pole dancing articles so maybe 3 together.

  33. The outside of that art gallery is more offensive.


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