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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Plan Targeting 2,800 Battlefield Deer Progresses

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — The National Park Service tentatively approved a plan Friday that envisions government sharpshooters killing more than 2,800 white-tailed deer at three Civil War battlefields in Maryland and Virginia over the next five years to curb damage to plants and trees.

The agency aims to reduce herds that it says are over-browsing vegetation at the Antietam and Monocacy battlefields in Maryland and the Manassas battlefield in Virginia.

Spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles said in a telephone interview that the number of deer to be killed would depend on how quickly the forest regenerates.

“What’s laid out in the chart is going to be your maximums,” she said.



  1. The governmet sharpshooters are going to use the deer as targets in practice for shooting down civilians, when the revolution starts!

  2. I hope this is not true.

    1. Bambi was a movie of fiction, deer in reality kill/cause the deaths of about 200 Americans on the highways every year. That's men women and innocent children plus several billion dollars in damages to vehicles and other property. Delaware has allowed them to breed in swarms like the over populated rats they truly are.


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