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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pepco And Exelon Promise Jobs, Fewer Outages And 'Customer Investment' In Maryland If Merger Is Approved

Pepco Holdings Inc. and Exelon Corp. officials are promising Maryland residents will have fewer and shorter power outages, while the state nets up to 7,100 new jobs and $623 million in economic impact if regulators approve their proposed $6.8 billion merger.

The estimates include "direct, indirect and induced effects" of a proposed $40 million "customer investment fund," as well as more reliable power service from Potomac Electric Power Co. and Delmarva Power & Light Co. They were produced by Susan F. Tierney, a senior adviser at Boston-based Analysis Group Inc., in a regulatory request filed Tuesday with the Maryland Public Service Commission.

The $6.8 billion union between the two companies was first announced April 30, with Chicago-based Exelon (NYSE: EXC) making an all-cash offer for Pepco. Stockholders of Washington-based Pepco Holdings are scheduled to vote on the deal Sept. 23.



  1. Don't let them get away with it!!!
    Mergers mean monopoly's and price fixing! Less competition means higher prices. Comcast is a good example of this!!!

  2. I'm with Scott on this one!

  3. They have bullied customers for years we need more options not less.I don't care about outages I care about the outrageous monthly bill.

  4. They are already price fixing.

  5. Don't worry; we will have the option to pay them a fee not to merge, just like the one to NOT get a "smart" meter. That used to be called extortion.

  6. 7,000 new jobs yea right that's after they put 10,000 employees on the street


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