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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Outrage Over Who Will Be On U.S. Postal Stamps

Former Postmaster General, Benjamin Bailar, is not happy over the direction of the United States Postal Service. Bailar told Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe that the United States Postal Services is choosing unworthy topics for its stamp program.

Bailer wound up resigning from the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee. The Committee usually decides what goes on stamps, but their input lately is being ignored.

Bailar believes that USPS is going for the payoff instead of honoring and celebrating things that are great about the United States. In other words, the U.S. is "selling out" by embarrassingly choosing pop culture figures over more enduring images.

The new "Harry Potter Forever Stamps" is the straw the broke the camel's back.



  1. I don't see what the fuss is all about. As a stamp collector, many countries do the same thing with celebrates or what is popular there. I personally loved all the Harry Potter films. Have no problem with this. It isn't selling out to me.

  2. I bought the Potter stamps the day they came out. I am 37 years old and could care less about Pop culture. The Harry Potter series may be British but Jk Rowling has gotten millions of American children reading and that should be celebrated!

  3. What about those Muslim stamps, I hate them, and this is supposed to be a Christian country!

  4. I try to use stamps as a learning tool for my kids. We always talk about the person on the stamp and what they did.

  5. And the Jimi Hendrix stamp? I licked one and tripped for 5 hours!


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