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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Officer let his police dog URINATE on Michael Brown memorial then patrol cars ran it over, report claims

A police officer in Ferguson allowed his dog to urinate on a makeshift memorial for Michael Brown just hours after the teen was gunned down, a new report has claimed.

According to Mother Jones, police also drove their patrol cars over the flowers and candles Brown's mother had scattered over the place her son's body fell and laid for more than four hours, crushing them.

Reporter Mark Follman says he corroborated the shocking claims with three separate state and local officials who worked with the community in the immediate aftermath of the August 9 shooting.



  1. Disgusting. Utterly ignorant.

  2. He was a thug, nothing more nothing less. You all are making this kid an angle because his mom says so. Half the community have no clue who he is.

    He got shot because he had no respect for anyone. God will sort it out while we make it more than it is.

  3. Surprised they didn't charge someone for interfering with a police dog in the performance of it's duties!
