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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Obama Stands Alone: Even the media are baffled by his deepening isolation

President Obama has few remaining friends—either in his own party or in the media.

That’s the unmistakable conclusion of two pieces this week in the New York Times. Just about everyone, it seems, is down on his single, solitary nature.

I’ve been saying for a year now that the president’s liberal media allies have soured on him. It started with the ObamaCare debacle and continued through his seeming passivity or slow reaction time in the wake of the VA scandal, the Bowe Bergdahl mess, the military collapse in Iraq and so on. At this point they’re basically Waiting for Hillary.

What is striking now is a growing sense, fairly or unfairly, that Obama is not capable of rising to the occasion, that he just doesn’t like politics, that he’s disengaged, that despite his soaring rhetoric in 2008 he has a passion deficit.

All the criticism about him playing golf and being at Martha’s Vineyard is kind of a code for his supposedly being unplugged from the job.



  1. This is typical for his culture , he can't help it . His priorities are not the same as the citizens.
    This is the way he was raised.
    Lots of play and very little work , if that's what you want to call work , reading a teleprompter .

  2. As one might say , he's just getting his head together.
    Golf helps make decisions.
    example " should I use a 3 iron or a 4 , mmm , just don't know."
    "Furguson " who's that ?
    VA what's that ? IRS what the hell is that , get me a beer."
    " Military who needs it" we have the muslims on our side.

  3. He's pathetic! Moochelle won't even be seen with him and only one of his daughters tolerates him. What a loser.


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