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Monday, August 11, 2014

Obama Sends Weapons To Kurdish Forces

The Obama administration is sending weapons to Kurdish forces fighting Islamic militants in Iraq. U.S. officials are not saying which agency is coordinating the effort, but they rule out the Pentagon. The CIA has taken the lead in past covert operations. But officials say the White House is close to approving plans for the Pentagon to arm the Kurds. The military is helping facilitate weapons deliveries now by providing logistic assistance and transportation. The United States had insisted on only selling arms to the Iraqi government in Baghdad before.


  1. First we arm the Syrian rebels. They become ISIS and attack Iraq. Now we arm the Kurds to fight our ISIS.

    Guess the bankers really do make money controlling both sides.

  2. Obama, the "JV" president.

  3. Hope it's all double barrel shotguns. That's all one needs to defend themselves. Pathetic.

    1. Yes and they should shoot the shotgun in the air.


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