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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Obama military downsizing leaves U.S. too weak to counter global threats, panel finds

An independent panel appointed by the Pentagon and Congress said Thursday that President Obama’s strategy for sizing the armed services is too weak for today’s global threats.

The National Defense Panel called on the president to dump a major section of his 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and write a broader strategy that requires the military to fight on multiple fronts at once.

It also said the shrinking U.S. armed forces, which are being downsized to fit that strategy and budget cuts, is a “serious strategic misstep on the part of the United States.” The forces’ numbers spelled out in Mr. Obama’s QDR are “inadequate given the future strategic and operational environment.”

The warning comes as Mr. Obama is under criticism from many Republicans and some Democrats for his standoff policy toward Syria and his limited response to a June offensive by an al Qaeda offshoot that has gobbled up swaths of territory in Iraq.



  1. This isn't downsizing, it's loyalizing.
    Obama is cutting all those that have contempt for his agenda and installing those that support his anti America, anti constitution Communist agenda.

  2. No kidding! What was the first clue?

  3. That was his plan and you idiots let it happen.


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