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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Obama Has Created A Scenario For The Destruction Of The United States

So now even our Secretary of Defense is warning American citizens that The Islamic State is coming for them and is preparing to attack the United States in a major way. He tells the American people to Be Ready.

Excuse me, but I thought the number one responsibility of the President of the United States was to protect the American public and, as Commander in Chief, defeat our enemies. That is what the Constitution calls for; but that is not the agenda of this president, our Dear Leader. Rather, President Obama has created a scenario for the destruction of the United States.



  1. The ass of a president has 2. More years left to CONTINUE the destruction. Of AMERICA.

  2. Carroll Thamert, Jr.August 25, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    This president is the worse president our country has ever had. He does not know how to lead and cannot make a decision. He reminds me of the emperor Nero who "played his fiddle as Rome burned".

  3. The best thing that could happen to the world is for obama to drop dead. He serves no valuable purpose-never has never will.

  4. Bob Aswell- VeteranAugust 25, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    OweBama wasn`t elected solely on the vote of the black electorate. The white electorate concured for for silly and selfish reasons. Furthurmore, the liberal bloc (DEMS) acted for themselves believing that their passive position would behoove their re-election chances and you ALL bought into it. You are now SCREWED and you have the dubious honor of knowing 'YOU HELPED DESTROY THE HOME WE HAVE KNOWN AND ENJOYED FOREVER'.

  5. Lol at these stupid comments.

  6. Is that all you got 1:38-LOL. The truth sucks doesn't it-LOL. Typical of you brainless Obama supporters-and you are brainless because smart people knew from the get go he was putrid ghetto trash. You can't defend the abomination so you attack the messengers-LOL.

  7. 1:58
    Even smarter people knew that Barry worked for the same bosses as Dubya'

    Wake up. The POTUS has no clothes.


  9. Im with 4:01....until you all start waking up and realizing it does not matter which party is elected..the money and globlist bankers ensure the NWO agenda is going to be fufilled

  10. OK... how can we change this...short of rioting?

  11. We must join together, left, right, black, white, whatever to wake up to the NWO agenda to end our constitutional republic in favor of a socialist hell hole like Communist China which makes us ALL slaves and them rich. FIGHT FOR YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS! Don't trust D, R or I! The current politicians of each party need to be removed. This may be our last chance to have a right to vote, vote for outsiders completely against the status quo, no matter what their label is. THIS IS PROBABLY OUR LAST CHANCE!

  12. "until you all start waking up and realizing it does not matter which party is elected..the money and globlist bankers ensure the NWO"

    Puppet. It DOES matter which party is elected. Do you HONESTLY believe that this country would be in the same sad state of affairs if Romney had been elected? You are being discouraged from voting. Ignore the noise and think for yourself.


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