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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Obama flies illegal teens to IA. IA Governor flies them Home

Lets hear it for IOWA!


Obama just said " Up yours Iowa" Iowa shoved it back......... Governor of Iowa -
Hurray for you, Governor announced: Iowa will not take any illegals kids(most teenagers) in IOWA. Yesterday Obama overruled him and sent him 124 young kids 13-19, landed the plane in Des Moines. Airport manager called the office of the Governor - Bransted, he drove to the airport and chartered from Chicago a plane from United. Within 8 hours all the kids were loaded on, got food and drink. The plane left Iowa 8 o'clock Des Moines. Next stop was Honduras. Plane got unloaded, 4 social workers from Iowa made sure they got to the terminal, told the Honduras officials, here are your kids, they have no papers, you let them come illegal to America. Iowa refuses to take them. Iowa has their own laws. No minors who are not with adults. Iowa has not heard one thing from Washington. READ THIS!: American states are fed up.

BREAKING: Governor Defies Obama and Refuses to House Illegals


  1. All governors should take suit. I applaud Iowa and it governor

  2. Just is sad that it's our tax dollars being pissed away for those fights

  3. Hey MIKE LEWIS! Go get in your new MRAP and round em' up and send em' home!

  4. Sounds like the Governor of Iowa understands what made this country great. Maybe he should be President and lead Congress and Senate. Unfortunately he can't be all 3.

  5. WOW, some great news to see first thing this morning!
    Hey O'Malley, see this??

  6. OMG, good for Iowa - Owemally, take some lessons and do the same.

  7. Job Well Done.
    Bet Iowa wouldn't use rubber bullets!

  8. Good job Iowa - no time wasted on these illegals...now send the POSOTUS a bill for the cost of the airplane.

  9. Good Job, but it's a shame the tax payers had to fly them home.

  10. I love Obama. You Republicans are just haters.

  11. This should be done nationwide.

  12. Hell I might move there.

  13. In my opinion by the Feds dumping them in the states they are saying no longer our, the Feds, problem but the states problem, all states should follow suit!

  14. Actually, I have no problem using my tax dollars for something like this. It's a whole lot more beneficial to the country then where most of it is spent.

  15. Flying them back to their homes in Honduras is FAR cheaper than keeping them here. Jobs, schools, welfare, prisons, medical, insurance, etc. add up in a hurry. The system is already strained.

  16. I am impressed. Obama is no doubt contemplating the idea of leading from the front. You go Bransted!

  17. Chuck Cook,
    You are either Muslum, illegal, or just plain stupid.


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