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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Obama: The Constitution Gives Me the Right to Ignore the Rule of Law

Riiight… And this is the man we call our president?

Last week, the non-partisan watchdog group, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), said that Obama did indeed break the law in exchanging Bergdahl for the five Taliban terrorists. The Obama regime responded to these findings stating and, despite admitting previously that this exchange broke the law, has changed the tune to their story.

“It’s not going to surprise you to know that we strongly disagree with GAO’s conclusion and we reject the implication that the administration acted unlawfully. The president has the constitutional responsibility to protect the lives of Americans abroad and specifically to protect U.S. service members. It’s important for everyone here to understand that the GAO report expressly does not address the lawfulness of the administration’s actions as a matter of constitutional law.”

He went further and claimed that he is deeply committed to never leaving anyone behind, especially those who serve overseas.

“The president was very clear that our commitment to men and women serving oversees — to leave none of them behind — is a bedrock principle for him. One that doesn’t come with caveats.”



  1. What about Benghazi? ISIS beheading, on video for the world to see? Marine in Mexico? Yet, we got a deserter back for known terrorist, who can walk right in through Mexico. Brilliant.

  2. PLEASE VOTE smart in 2016. Never again!! Never again!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    PLEASE VOTE smart in 2016. Never again!! Never again!!

    August 28, 2014 at 7:34 PM

    voting changes nothing. different candidates but same agenda. It's all an illusion to make the masses think they have a choice and can make a difference.


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