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Thursday, August 28, 2014

NY Times Declines to Endorse Cuomo in Primary, Cites Corruption

The New York Times declined on Tuesday to endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary next month because he has failed to rid the state government of corruption.

"He failed to perform Job 1," the Times said in an editorial. "The state government remains as subservient to big money as ever, and Mr. Cuomo resisted and even shut down opportunities to fix it.

"Because he broke his most important promise, we have decided not to make an endorsement for the Democratic primary on Sept. 9."

Cuomo, 56, who is seeking his second term, is facing Fordham Law School professor Zephyr Teachout, a national expert on political corruption. The winner will most likely square off against Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, whose primary is on the same day.

The Times also would not endorse Teachout because she "has not shown the breadth of interests and experience needed to govern a big and diverse state."



  1. drew will be joining the cast of days of our lives drew will be playing as Nicholas alamain in days of our lives drew will be replacing actor cody longo in days of our lives

  2. So the Democrats are finding it impossible to find a qualified, honest Democrat.

    Whoda thunk?

  3. Cuomo is corrupt just like his pompas ass son on CNN,

  4. They should site corruption and Crony Communism.


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