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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

No Rest for the Wicked

As crises at home and abroad worsen, Obama reverts to his favorite trite form of reassurance.

Tuesday, President Obama visited the Dutch Embassy in Washington, D.C., and wrote in a condolence book for the victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, “We will not rest until we are certain that justice is done.”

He then departed for a three-day fundraising trip to the West Coast.

Obama’s pledge that “we will not rest until . . . ” may sound familiar to you. In fact, the pledge is so chronically overused, and issued so casually, that it no longer carries much meaning. Here’s a brief history:

April 9, 2009: “We will not rest until we reach a day when not one single veteran falls into homelessness.”

July 31, 2009: “I will not rest until every American who wants a job can find one.”

September 15, 2009: “I want you all to know, I will not rest until anybody who’s looking for a job can find one — and I’m not talking about just any job, but good jobs that give every American decent wages and decent benefits and a fair shot at the American Dream.”



  1. Just one fact he forgot to mention. Obama will not rest because he is a LIAR!

  2. Got a long way to go to beat Bush's all time record for days on vacation.

  3. He took working vacations at his ranch. Not playing in the surf in the vineyard or Hawaii. Do you seriously think now is the time for the president to be taking a several week vacation? If you owned a business and all sorts of bad things were happening would you take a couple of weeks off and just call in? That's what Obama is doing. Its just not his business and he doesn't care. He will make millions speaking no matter how things end up.

  4. Yeah right 11:59, you're a joke.
    Bush WORKED while on "vacation" and when in D.C. at the White House...
    Barry seldom does anything but plot ways to destabilize America!

  5. I will not rest until I fundamentaly change (that means totally screw up) the United States

  6. All presidents work on their vacations, just trying to make something out of nothing.

  7. At least Bush took vacations at his own ranch instead of spending millions on renting some posh digs near some fat cats.

  8. Work should equal progress, look forward, not backwards, Obama is a failure.

  9. The real outrage should be toward the amount of vacation congress takes after getting nothing done.


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