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Friday, August 29, 2014

New program joins NSA, IRS in watching you

'Reminiscent of the treachery we witnessed under the Nazi regime'

Americans’ telephone conversations already are being monitored by the National Security Agency and their health-care policies by the Internal Revenue Service. Now there’s “Truthy,” a government-funded project at Indiana University that will watch their Tweets for “political smears” and “social pollution.”

The goal is to track those comments.

The Washington Free Beacon reported this week that the government already has contributed nearly $1 million to the project that its organizers say is to “analyze and visualize the diffusion of information on Twitter.”

“The Truthy system evaluates thousands of tweets an hour to identify new and emerging bursts of activity around memes of various flavors. The data and statistics provided by Truthy are designed to aid in the study of social epidemics: How do memes propagate through the Twittersphere? What causes a burst of popularity?”

The program operators say: “We also plan to use Truthy to detect political smears, astroturfing, misinformation, and other social pollution. While the vast majority of memes arise in a perfectly organic manner, driven by the complex mechanisms of life on the Web, some are engineered by the shady machinery of high-profile congressional campaigns. Truthy uses a sophisticated combination of text and data mining, social network analysis, and complex networks models. To train our algorithms, we leverage crowdsourcing: we rely on users like you to flag injections of forged grass-roots activity. Therefore, click on the Truthy button when you see a suspicious meme.”



  1. If your truth does not support the Marxist regime currently occupying the white house you will be censored or worse.
    How dare anyone disagree with the Obama liberal progressive(Communist) propaganda where right is wrong and wrong is right in upside down backwards land?

  2. These guys are Nazis.
    That is why it is "reminiscent"

  3. This is great it should make food stamp fraud a thing of the past.

  4. So I guess no one has heard of the new potato chip method of eavesdropping,and yes you heard right.Check it out.


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