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Friday, August 08, 2014

NBC's Jansing on Obama at Africa Summit: Helps that 'He's from Kenya'

On Tuesday, NBC News’ Chris Jansing made an appearance from the White House on MSNBC’s “The Reid Report.” During that appearance, she evaluated President Barack Obama as this week’s U.S.-Africa Leaders summit was underway in Washington, D.C.

However, Jansing made one small error in her analysis by misidentifying Obama’s orgins.

“Yeah, the fact that he’s from Kenya and the fact that when he was elected there were expectations from the African continent that he would do great things for them,” Jansing said.

Jansing 10 minutes later reappeared in on that broadcast to correct herself and say Obama’s father was from Kenya.



  1. she got it right the first time.


  2. 'Fraudian' slip!

    (spelling is accurate)

  3. Agree, 1040, it's common knowledge.

  4. 10:40 - agreed...and coupled with the dubious birth certificate and his hiding of the remainder of his records...not to mention his actions during his tenure shows the intelligent and common sense citizens how much of a fraud he is!

  5. Not to mention half his communist family are and where socialist Muslims.

  6. Anyone who has went through as much time and trouble to hide his past, obstruct inquiries into the same, seal records, and prevent disclosure about everything possible concerning his personal history, isn't doing it for any "privacy" concerns. There is something (or many things) he does not, under any circumstances, want revealed.
    My God, I can get my birth certificate TOMMORROW MORNING, but it takes this buffoon 3 YEARS to finally come up with SOMETHING (it ain't a real birth certificate -- it names a country that didn't exist at the time!).
    And what about that SSN??? Huh??
    I just can't fathom how dense and how blindly devoted so many of his supporters are, despite his obvious incompetency and HIGHLY suspicious behavior.
    Keep cheering.


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