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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Missouri National Guard headed to Ferguson

FERGUSON, Missouri (CNN) — The Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who killed Michael Brown says the teenager rushed at him full speed in the moments before the shooting, according to an account phoned into a St. Louis radio station and confirmed as accurate by a source with detailed knowledge of the investigation.

According to the account on KTFK, phoned in by a woman who identified herself as "Josie," the altercation began after Officer Darren Wilson rolled down his window to tell Brown and a friend to stop walking in the street.

When Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser, Brown first tried to push the officer back into the car, then punched him in the face and grabbed for his gun before breaking free after the gun went off once.



  1. Just goes to show , if your going 80 mph it will take 8 hours to go a mile. Nah , it will take 2 hours or even 16 hours .
    Mmm , don't know , let's go loot.

  2. Totally believable account of what happened, why did it take so long to come out.

  3. Sooooo, just like Trayvon, a thug killed around the time of a commission of a crime - got what he deserved!

    Cop needs to be recognized for his justice system cost saving measures!

    Meanwhile - you thugs need to realize - do the crime, do the time...

  4. told you martial law was coming...

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Totally believable account of what happened, why did it take so long to come out.

    August 19, 2014 at 7:58 AM

    they had recordings to edit and witnesses to coach.

  6. "they had recordings to edit and witnesses to coach."

    Spoken like a true puppet to the administration and its media.


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