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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Michael Brown?

You know who Michael Brown is?  
He’s the 18 year old, 6’3” 295 lb. man who robbed a convenience store in Ferguson, Missouri, got shot and killed by a cop, whereby demonstrations and riots have erupted ever since.  Here’s  a snapshot that came from his Facebook page……  Has anyone seen this on any of the news networks or in the news media? 


  1. This appears to be the REAL Michael Brown. So very sad.

  2. Just an innocent, law abiding kid on his way to college.

  3. If Obama had a son. What a teddy bear.

  4. Thug is all you can say...his parents should have been doing more parenting instead of out gehto hustling...looting!!!

  5. Typical ....l living up to the stereotype...sorry my african friends people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones

  6. If he were white and shot by a black police officer it wouldn't even be an issue. Crime committed,rushing a police officer beating the officer almost unconscious. It wouldn't even make the news

  7. This is sad case for police brutality....such a disgrace for his race that has made allot of strides in america but...I continue to wallow in situations such as these ..were obviously they are in the wrong...they need to start cleaning their own house and start standing on their own two feet and stop voting Democrat...

  8. That Hawaiian punch is what people use to mix it with codeine cough medicine, they call it syrup.

  9. yes I have seen it. so what?

  10. So what does this make him guilty? Like how can u justify what that cop did? He was un armed

    1. Pants on the GROUND, Permanently.

  11. That could of been anyone son white black purple or green , young people make bad decisions all the time should not have to answer with your life !

  12. racism is political currency in the US

  13. Unarmed or not, when you are as tall and as big as he was and charging at someone, it's ludicrous to act like he couldn't cause grievous harm because he had no weapon. Perhaps looking at his toxicology report might help explain stealing from the store, assaulting the clerk, obstructing traffic and beating a policeman within the space of fifteen minutes. We should wait until all of the evidence is in.

  14. If race weren't the real issue today, maybe justice would prevail.

  15. Anonymous said...
    So what does this make him guilty? Like how can u justify what that cop did? He was un armed

    The cop suffered an orbital blowout fracture, at the hands of the "gentle giant". I guess he should just have sat back in his car and let himself be beat to death, right? I don't hear you screaming about the black cop that just shot the unarmed white guy in Utah...

  16. Another Travon Martin a young thug wanting attention. People forget Travon kicked a bus driver that day and robbed an old woman. It is time all young people blacks included see people for what they really were. Defend the good ones, but make sure you know the whole truths, check out facebook before you give someone saint hood.

  17. If eric holder had a son.

  18. Stupid is as stupid does!

  19. Unarmed, huh? Bruce Lee could be unarmed (he only weighed 135 lbs), too. 6'3" and 295? Just LOOK like you are going to attack me and I'm emptying the clip on you. I'd say that's what the cops refer to as a "good shoot".
    Good for the cop.

  20. Bruce Lee was a trained martial artist genius. With 4 bullets in Browns arm just how dangerous do you think he could be? If a kop can't take down a one armed, unarmed person, they do not need to be a kop.

  21. You know, there really are cases where innocent people get killed and the community should take action. But, every time you riot over violent thugs killed in self-defense, you lose just a little bit more credibility. As soon as the media started with the 'college-bound gentle giant' crap, I knew that this was just more BS.

  22. . But, every time you riot over violent thugs killed in self-defense, you lose just a little bit more credibility. As soon as the media started with the 'college-bound gentle giant' crap, I knew that this was just more BS.

    August 23, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    There was no self-defense. The 'threat', (still to be proven), had left.

    If any kop cannot handle an 18 year old teenager/boy/man, whatever you want to call MB, what would he do with a real man with some fighting experience?

    And if it was such a 'good shoot', why didn't they release details right away? Yes, some details may have to be kept back for an investigation, but not even admitting how many shots were fired? The name of the kop who killed him? Leaving the body in the street for hours?

    This about much more than Mike Brown. This is about all the abuse this community, and others, have put up with for a long, long time. And it resonated with other people all across this nation. At least 80 cities had similar protests in support of Ferguson.

    Why do you think that is? They were bored and had nothing else better to do?

    If any of you cannot see it for what it is, get ready to remove your clothes and walk into the 'shower'.

    1. He was 6-4 300 lbs. Doesn't need a weapon to be dangerous. I think many of the protesters had nothing else to do. I had to work and couldn't protest if I wanted. It must be nice not to work to be able to protest. By the way, learn to spell.

  23. That cop better do some push ups

  24. I don't care if you are black, white or purple if you are not committing crime and running toward police officers trying to do them bodily harm you won't be getting hurt. And probably never ever have a confrontation with the police. But every time this happens the black person getting hurt is because they are in the wrong or committing a crime.

    1. There are no purple people. Learned that in elementary school.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't care if you are black, white or purple if you are not committing crime and running toward police officers trying to do them bodily harm you won't be getting hurt. And probably never ever have a confrontation with the police. But every time this happens the black person getting hurt is because they are in the wrong or committing a crime.

    August 23, 2014 at 10:22 PM

    You sir, are not well versed in history or current events. Innocent people get assaulted and killed every day by kops. Remember that high profile case in Cali. where two women delivering newspapers were shot multiple times by dozens of rounds fired by kops who mistaken them for Dorner?

    Or maybe you never heard of kops raiding the wrong house and killing the occupants? Or the old man who got shot by a kop because he mistook his cane for a shotgun? I wonder what crime that little baby committed to warrant kops throwing a flash bang into his crib?

    And these few are just off the top of my head. If I really put some energy into it I could come up with many more. And if I googled it there would be more still.

    This bs line about if you do what you're told, don't commit crimes, blah blah blah, is horseshit. Dunces took a page out of Hitler's playbook, keep repeating the same lie and people will come to believe it.

    And kops just cannot stand people standing up to them and calling them for what they really are.

    Their time is about up and they know it. Getting military grade weapons and equipment was not done by mistake. There is a reason for everything and a plan is in place.

    They want to hurry and implement it before more become aware of it and thwart their evil plans.

    1. Hey, what about the other 90% of dead black males killed by other black males. Clean up that mess and things may get better. Learn to spell. When you kant spell your message gets lost.

  26. But every time this happens the black person getting hurt is because they are in the wrong or committing a crime.

    August 23, 2014 at 10:22 PM

    Like that innocent black man in FERGUSON who had the same name as a wanted man and got the snot beat out of him and charged with bleeding on the kops uniforms? What crime did he commit? Being born black?

  27. Ewwww. Money in his mouth, GROSS!

  28. 11:41 AM they don't see Sharpton, Jackson and Holder speaking out about blacks killing blacks.

  29. If blacks are constantly portrayed as victims, it gives an excuse for lack of success. If they are not victims, people might seriously question why aren't they able to support their own families. Schools couldn't spend any more money on at risk and minority kids to prepare them for jobs, but there's nothing to show for it. You have to pretend it's the fault of the police and teachers and anybody in authority rather than look at other reasons.

  30. Anonymous said...
    This appears to be the REAL Michael Brown. So very sad.

    August 22, 2014 at 8:18 PM

    What is so sad?

  31. Anonymous said...
    This is sad case for police brutality....such a disgrace for his race that has made allot of strides in america but...I continue to wallow in situations such as these ..were obviously they are in the wrong...they need to start cleaning their own house and start standing on their own two feet and stop voting Democrat...

    August 22, 2014 at 10:13 PM

    This is a sad case of police brutality? You are definitely an idiot.

  32. Anonymous said...
    If blacks are constantly portrayed as victims, it gives an excuse for lack of success. If they are not victims, people might seriously question why aren't they able to support their own families. Schools couldn't spend any more money on at risk and minority kids to prepare them for jobs, but there's nothing to show for it. You have to pretend it's the fault of the police and teachers and anybody in authority rather than look at other reasons.

    August 24, 2014 at 12:42 PM


  33. so many redneck racists

  34. I just wondering, how much more will society handle before action is taken concerning these thugs? Should we buy an island and create a penal colony there so they can just kill each other? Or should we create more gated communities with armed guards to keep this element out?

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He was 6-4 300 lbs. Doesn't need a weapon to be dangerous. I think many of the protesters had nothing else to do. I had to work and couldn't protest if I wanted. It must be nice not to work to be able to protest. By the way, learn to spell.

    August 24, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    Your whole comment is untrue. KOPS are supposed to be able to take care of anyone. Most take steroids, lift weights, are super aggressive to the point of being a maniac, have different defensive weapons available on THEIR BELT, etc., etc., ETC.

    Always with the excuses and LIES. Kill a dog lately?


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