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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Md. Comptroller To Collect Signatures In Bid To Push Back School Starting Date

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot, who has earned a reputation as an agitator during his time in office, plans to launch a petition drive next week to persuade lawmakers to embrace a pet cause of his: delaying the opening of public schools until after Labor Day.

Franchot (D) is planning an event Thursday on the boardwalk of Ocean City, one of the state’s top tourism destinations, to kick off a “Let Summer Be Summer” campaign. His aim: collecting 10,000 signatures from Maryland citizens before the General Assembly reconvenes in January.

The event coincides with an annual week-long conference of county leaders from across Maryland, and Franchot plans to hand out flying discs and sand buckets adorned with the campaign logo at the conference site.



  1. Back in my day, school always started after Labor Day. What was their reasoning for moving it earlier anyway?

  2. The early starting time is so students who aren't achieving can have a few more days of instruction before state accountability assessments in the spring. He can get a load of signatures, but all decisions are made with that select group in mind. Wicomico's early starting date was on a trial basis but it's never been changed. They don't want to discuss it.

  3. That would be one less week to get the kids ready for the mandatory tests that have a set date. It would also mean the kids would go an extra week in June reducing the length of summer on the the front end. I wonder if he even thought about that. Or would he even care. He's a democrat and it's all about him.

  4. hmmmm - earned a reputation as an agitator during his time in office. Because he spoke out against the establishment? Is that the definition of agitator?

    I agree with him, school should start after the holiday

  5. Delmar Delaware is even worse by starting school for the incoming 5th and 9th graders on the 21st and all grades on the 22nd! What idiot came up with starting school on a Friday? And of course they'll have a four day weekend over Labor Day! Genius!

  6. "I agree with him, school should start after the holiday"

    Wonderful that you agree. Do you have a reason?

  7. 1105 That is stupid. When we went to school, all schools started after Labor Day. The kids around here all had summer jobs and we worked right up until Labor Day.

  8. Why would there be a 4 day Labor Day holiday? What's the purpose of an extra day? They already get too many days off with no good reason. At the start of the school year, there is no need to take off any extra days.

  9. School should start the day after labor day.
    the under achievers should have mandatory summer school.
    all grade levels should start at the same time.
    have an open house for new students and parents 2 different dates in the summer. one the end of july and one the end of august.

    build in bad weather days in the schedule.

    these ideas are common sense and should be initiated soon.

  10. School should be all summer. It provides meals and day care for children and year long jobs for the teachers. Plus there's nothing wrong with school on Saturday and Sunday to give a much needed break to the mothers.

  11. 1:50 I think you are off your rocker!


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