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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Maryland Police Inventory List of Federal 1033 Surplus Program: Local Law Enforcement Prepare for Riots

Below is a DOCUMENTED list you will NOT see in your local MEDIA. Well, that is, until they take it from us.

First, I want you to scroll down the entire list. It is in alphabetical order so you can look up Fruitlend, Wicomico, etc.. 

The military has been training for YEARS and SBYNews.com has been delivering such stories, photos and documentation to PROVE this training was going on. Each one of these training exercises was based around RIOTS within our own country.

Now, Obama got involved with the Travon matter, (if I had a son) and now the Brown matter. I have read all to many times how the federal government needs to stay the heck away from this until all due diligence has been completed, they have/did not. 

Now, look good and hard at the massive list of arms and gear the government is handing out, (below) and for once in your life USE YOUR HEADS. Race baiting and divide is EXACTLY what the Obama administration and the LIBERALS are encouraging. 

Do NOT fall for this crap. Do NOT let our government DIVIDE races and pit us against each other. Be SMART and PROACTIVE. Go to the NAACP meetings and LISTEN. Get involved and become a part of a solution and NOT unrest. 

Now go ahead and read the list below and GET EDUCATED and STOP being ignorant and stupid. Become LEADERS and not FOLLOWERS. 


  1. Something is coming down the pike BEFORE obama leaves office mark my word, why else is eric holder be stirring Racial Tension???

  2. Eric has found a group of vulnerable lemmings who will do his bidding.How can people stay mad for so long?It wears me out just being mad at someone for one day.

  3. The most urgent discussions in congress is the power grid being sabotaged,just think if we have NO power for a month you think there would be riots?

  4. I told you all this was coming...


    oh could the govt do such a thing...

    WELL LET ME TELL YOU, it is not the govt doing it, it is the people who run the govt...

    And if you want to know what the govt can and will do, look at waco, ruby ridge and kent state... All the evidence you need to know they will end your life and not think twice...

    Notice how when you say you will murder someone they call it terroristic threatening now... geeee I wonder why....

    Let me end with this, for all the dumb asses out here what do you call a conspiracy you live in and can see it, feel it and touch it? THAT IS CALLED REALITY!!!

    funny how no one gives two shits until it affects them... oh I bet unrest will touch you where the sun don't shine...

  5. There is a Freemasonic saying, "As above, so below".

    And another one, "Order out of chaos".

    Our government is controlled by a powerful hidden hand. Everything is planned. Nothing is left to chance.

    In Ferguson the riots were "baited". The police invited citizens to loot on Friday morning a week ago. They encouraged lawlessness.

    A Race War is the goal. Once it happens, the Feds can roll out martial law and sieze property.

  6. New gun laws, ammo no longer in stock and prices through the roof.

    Illegals moving in by the tens of thousands. Minimum wage going through the roof in the very states accepting those illegals, hmmmm! Foreclosures at incredible rates.

    Open your eyes people, before it's too late.

    Stock up.It may not be tomorrow but one thing is for sure, its coming! That is, unless we're PROACTIVE and stop them at this incredible game.

    I've been warning you people for the past 10 years that they will take until your broke. Then they'll get you to borrow to survive. Then you'll lose everything and you'll become dependent on your government.

    VOTE REPUBLICAN across the board and stop this, if not for your own sake, for your children and grandchildren. WAKE THE HELL UP!

  7. I got a place to go if I need to bug out, armed to the teeth!

  8. JOE,

    DO YOU REALLY think the Republican party can so-call fix all the issues?? What controls this country is the MONEY companies not Politics that you and others preach to the masses all the time. As a Wise man once told me. FOLLOW THE MONEY and then you will find all the evil of this world. If anything I think it would be great to get a FAIR balanced Gov. of Dems / Rep's / Independent Party and allow the people more power to overturn laws and voice be heard on spending issues. A ONE party Country from what I can tell was never the answer.

  9. Mack, Let me tell you how it doesn't take one red cent to blow away ALL of the special interest money...

    YOUR VOTE!!!!

    Look, we have experienced the wrath of the direction Obama and all other democrats like Jim Mathias, Norm Conway and hundreds of others have delivered.

    With YOUR VOTE we can SAVE America and give the republicans a chance to bring us back to the PROUD Country we once were.

    Without your VOTE we will continue to watch our children and their children become used to the new Obama way of life in America. Food Stamps, Welfare, Section 8 / Affordable Housing. Look at Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields as an example. If it's OK for our local municipal leaders to suck off the system, WHY NOT THE YOUNG PEOPLE?

    We're no longer TOO PROUD to defy such FREE CANDY, and WHY should they?

    Businesses are closing left and right. Family, friends and neighbors are losing their homes at alarming rates.

    YOUR VOTE, (not money) can absolutely turn that around and I believe even most Democrats have seen and had enough.

    NOW, IF we don't take back America this go around and make massive changes, we are DOOMED forever.

    So the answer is simple, VOTE. Don't just talk about it. Give your neighbor, co worker, friends and family members a bunch of CRAP if they are not wearing an "I VOTED" sticker on them ALL DAY! SHAME them and demand they prove to you they VOTED.

  10. Joe,
    I very respectfully disagree.

    This government is too far gone.

    It is simply too late.

    Better to hunker down and look out for your friends and family.

    You underestimate the POWER of the elites in charge. The Dems work for the real power. And Dubya' worked for the same exact people.

    Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

  11. Somersert county cleaned up. They got lots of useable things. So if we have to go to war with someone will the military have to buy all new equipment?

  12. Joe is correct!

    Anyone that supports Obama, O'Malley and the counter culture racists like Holder, Van Jones, or the fools in congress like Pelosi, Reid, Ellison, Cummings, Lewis and Shelia Jackson Lee needs to be REMOVED from office, (and if I had my way from our community). That includes every Democrat, Conway the commie, Mathias the marxist, Sarbanes the socialist, Barkley the busser and on and on.

  13. That is A LOT of surplus. No wonder we are broke. I wonder how much of this has never been used at all.


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