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Monday, August 18, 2014

Maryland Loses 9,000 Jobs In July, Unemployment Rate Rises Above 6%

Maryland shed 9,000 jobs in July, pushing the state’s unemployment rate over 6 percent for the first time since December.

Maryland was among 30 states to post unemployment rate increases from June, according to preliminary data released Monday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The state’s unemployment rate in July rose to 6.1 percent, up from 5.8 percent a month before.



  1. thank you Owemalley and brown

  2. Uninformed voters...There should be an IQ test.

  3. Hey 1:50 comment....all I care about is getting cash with my new Obama-Buck Cards known as EBT cards....I no need a IQ test....I do not even knows what that is!?!?!!

  4. And Ocean City wants to add to this number the Pole Dancer!

  5. Anyone who believes this 6.1 percent figure has his head in his hand.

  6. I'm glad I get a full retirement pay from the MSP and have a Deputy Sheriff position as well...two checks are better than one and so are two retirements...Thanks tax payers.


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