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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Maryland Lawmakers Oppose President's Oil Stance

Eight of Maryland's 10-member congressional delegation are urging President Barack Obama to reconsider siding with a proposal to allow the use of seismic air guns to explore for oil and gas in the Atlantic Ocean.

The lawmakers write that the technology is "incredibly" harmful to marine life. They say Maryland depends on the ocean for seafood and ocean-based tourism.

A letter to Obama was signed by Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin. Reps. Elijah Cummings, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Chris Van Hollen, John Sarbanes, Donna Edwards and John Delaney also signed.



  1. The concept is stupid. Obama blocks a pipe line because of environmental danger issues and then approve killing millions of fish. The man has some serious head problems.

  2. He will plead ignorance about harming sea life. He will then make an argument about how destructive the fossil fuels industry is to the environment. Then he will ask for a gazillion dollars so he can subsidize one of his cronies to build a solar powered windmill factory!

    Andy the press will say "our hero"!

  3. What??? Its there ... start pumping it.

  4. It won't harm sea life. They've been doing this safely for decades in the Gulf of Mexico.


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