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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Marijuana Is More Addictive These Days — Here's Why

One of the common misconceptions people have about marijuana is that it isn't addictive. Dr. Samuel Ball of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASAColumbia) explains how marijuana has evolved over the years and debunks the myth that weed isn't an addictive substance. More


  1. Lol, good one. Nice try doc!

  2. Cool! Get your moneys worth out of it. Foolish People.

  3. Sorry but he probably has never smoked it.

    It is not addictive.

    I don't know what else to say?

  4. Cigarette and alcohol manufacturers do not want marijuana legalized because they know it will cut in on their profits. They will say anything and pay lobbyists to bargain with legislators to keep it illegal.

  5. I don't know how any body can afford to drink smoke or blow weed. Stuffs expensive. Use to grow a little to smoke, but got paranoid as hell.

  6. Keep telling yourself that smoking herb isn't addicting. The dumb ass stoners that I know can't leave the house without pulling some tubes or burning a twisty. Stoners have to be stoned and haters have to hate.

  7. It's definitely addictive. Chronic users who suddenly quit cold turkey do experience mild withdrawal symptoms. Not the big time hallucinations and other symptoms experienced by alcohol or heroin, but withdrawal symptoms none the less.
    Sudden stoppage of MJ can and does also cause elevated pulse and irritability, sometimes severe in nature.
    There's more to being addicted than just the physical dependency. Addiction is what you also don't see, like the elevated pulse.

  8. In the late 70's pot that grew underwater was developed.It was really hard to spot from a plane with sensors and grew really fast.It just faded away for some reason.

  9. The more powerful weed of today is smoked in smaller quantities to get the same effect.

  10. Whatever. There are so many compelling opinions and arguments based on the personal experiences of millions of pot smokers on the internet. If you choose to believe this drivel then you simply want to remain ignorant to the truth.

    Do you see millions of heroin and cocaine addicts online standing up against studies that claim those drugs are addictive? No, because there is plenty of information showing that they are addictive. So why so are so many pot smokers up in arms? Because this is a lie.

    Other than the act of inhaling a burnt substance there is little to nothing that weed will do to harm you. And everyday we are actually seeing the opposite. Every day more information comes out showing how beneficial pot is.


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