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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Lt. Governor Brown, MSDE Announce $4.3 Million In Grants To Fund Maryland's Prekindergarten Expansion


Read the entire press release HERE


  1. Honestly worth every cent.

  2. Chart #2:

    The extension of half to full day for 20 kids in pre-kindergarten - why does PG County get almost $600K when the other three districts get so much less? Good grant writing skills?
    In PG County, how much of it will find its way into local scam artists' and corrupt politicians' pockets? In Wicomico, how much will be spent on lunch and coffee?

  3. PG county is much largerand has many more kids.

  4. It's about time something was done there for youg adults.

  5. The grants are for 20 kids in each area, regardless of population or county size.

  6. 8:57:

    Read the description. This is for 20 kids in each county. Does the county's kid count make it more expensive for those 20 4 year olds to go an extra half day? Sounds fishy to me.

  7. I agree 8:57....sounds like more money for illegal children coming.

  8. 9:33
    You're saying that this money will be diverted to other things (illegals?) than the 20 kids that will now go full days instead of half days?

    That aside, why does it cost $28,580 per kid in PG when it costs $14,000 per kid in Wicomico and Baltimore counties? Why is the grant for twice as much??

  9. Anonymous said...
    Honestly worth every cent.

    July 29, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    How do you know? Because you say so?

    Chuck don't you have anything else to do except troll on this blog!

  10. What's a youg adult?

  11. Are you all aware of the Migrant Program going on in the schools during the Summer? I believe it is put on by the Federal and State government. It isn't happening in Wicomico County, but it is happening in Dorchester and Somerset Counties. Not sure about Worcester, but I think in Accomack and North Hampton it is.

    We, the tax payers, are paying for all day babysitting service for migrants, aka Mexican children at our county schools. That's right this is an all day baby sitting service that provides meals and transportation to the Mexicans and many of them are illegal. Joe if you get a chance you should use your investigative journalism skills to look into this. Many around here are not aware of this.

  12. It doesn't matter what age you start them at. If the child does not have any structure at home it will never work. How do you make someone be a good parent. Most are so busy trying to figure out a way not to do something that they could have just done it and got it over with. To many excuses.


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