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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kidney Disease Epidemic: 60 Percent in US Will Fall Victim

We usually don’t give much thought to our kidneys. Most of us take it for granted that the body’s filters will continue to function as efficiently as the paper filters in our coffeemakers.

Yet, kidney disease is the nation’s eighth-leading causing of death. And it can sneak up on you before you even realize you have it.

“Kidney disease tends to be a silent disease until it’s very advanced,” says Beth Piraino, M.D., president of the National Kidney Foundation. “It’s very much associated with an increased risk of dying, particularly from a cardiovascular cause.”

You are more than likely to get kidney disease at some point, since lifetime risk is 60 percent. And once you get it, treatment options are often limited to dialysis, which requires regular mechanical filtering of the waste products in your blood, or a kidney transplant. There is a long waiting list for organ transplants.


  1. Ever notice how much salt some people put on their food? Some don't even taste it first before they add salt in huge amounts.Is there a physical condition that causes people to crave salt or is it just a bad habit?

  2. I have known a few people who refused to take high blood pressure meds and ended up with severe kidney disease, needing transplants. Take your meds people!!!!!!!!


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