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Tuesday, August 05, 2014


That seems like an awfully strong word, but it is the term that distinguished law professorGlenn Reynolds, no hysteric, uses to describe the Obama administration’s oft-reported plan to issue executive amnesty to five or six million illegal immigrants in violation of federal law. Glenn’s characterization is a fair one. When a tyrant asserts the right to rule by decree in a state that has formerly been subject to the rule of law, he is commonly described as carrying out a coup d’etat.

That is just what the Obama administration has done, and reportedly will continue to do. When Obama changed the Affordable Care Act by decree–to name just one example, substituting “2014″ for “2013″ in a critical provision of the statute–he acted as a tyrant. In his refusal to enforce the immigration laws, contrary to the Constitution which requires him to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” he has acted like a tinpot dictator, asserting the right to change or ignore the law by fiat. If he now directly nullifies Section 274(a) of the Immigration and Nationalities Act by legalizing, and issuing work permits to, five or six million illegal immigrants, thereby repealing federal law by decree, how else can we describe his action but as a coup? The Obama administration openly takes the position that the rule of law no longer applies.



  1. he was, but the military wouldn't help so that is why you see all the feelings and lame excuses for why they were fired... the top military brass I am speaking of...

  2. And his Presidential Oath of Office, recited before the entire World, what did that really mean?

  3. It wouldn`t be a stroke of genius to realize that. I`ve said from the start,'When the time for him to vacate the White House and take the pigs and chickens with him and his concubine,there is going to be some reason arise why he should be allowed to continue with Him and Harry Reids` scam government to finish the USA as we know it. When you allow subversives to rule,Anarchy is the PRODUCT.'

  4. I can't wait for when Obama leaves office in 2017 and you idiots are all left with your feet in your crazy heads!

  5. No, he is too stupid to do that. His handlers, the NWO, are already accomplishing that. IN 2 more years, we will no longer have a constitution or democratic republic. We will make Russia and China look good. That don't have the NSA.


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