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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In Ferguson, Jesse Jackson Reportedly Booed After Asking Crowd For Donations

Jesse Jackson arrived in Ferguson, Mo., yesterday to march with protestors, but he reportedly received a cool reception today when he attempted to collect donations from the crowd.



  1. Maybe people are starting to realize that he using this stuff to his own benefit! He doesn't give a crap about what happened.

  2. He needs a good smack in the mouth. Why isn't he on the streets of Chicago asking for donations? He doesn't have the gonads.

  3. Does this surprise anyone he has followed this path forever by jumping in the fire in hopes of payouts and then runs away with the money to live happy.

  4. What's the difference between the rioters robbing the stores and Jesse robbing the rioters? See a pattern here?

  5. We can only pray that this man will be found out eventually. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows he is a opportunist and little more. K

  6. Isn't he a man of God like Mr. Sharpton? I don't know why people pick on people like this trying to help people like me.

    1. He is a racist with only himself in mind and the people he comes to the aide of are to dumb to see that he doesn't care about then just his wallet... Another one that sickle cell and Ebola needs to find

  7. OH BOY....Spike Lee is up next. Sitting in front of tv with popcorn. What a freak show.


  8. What unkind comments. Tsk, tsk.

    He's got child support for his girlfriend to pay, his son and daughter-in-law are convicted felons. Does he still have his beer distributorship as a liquid asset?

  9. 8:58 In any walk of life, their is greed and corruption. Jesse and Al are two examples of that, but it is rampant in churches, all across the country.


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