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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Homeownership for Those under 35 Steadily Falling

The Census Bureau reports that quarterly homeownership for Americans under 35 years of age has fallen below 36 percent, a number that constitutes a new low.

The Bureau reports that in the second quarter, homeownership for those under 35 dropped to its lowest number since quarterly reports were first compiled.

According to CNSNews, "The homeownership rate among householders under 35 was 35.9 percent in the second quarter of 2014. That number was not only lower than any quarterly rate going back to the fourth quarter of 1993 but was also lower than any of the annual homeownership rates for under 35s that the Census Bureau has published since 1982."

This 35.9 percent is down from the 2004 peak of 43.6 percent rate. The rate of under 35s owning homes has been slowly declining since the 2004 high.



  1. how can young college graduates afford homes when they owe their soul to the government loan?

  2. and they have new cars, cable tv, the latest cellphone and $300 video game systems.

  3. Can't buy a house when there are no jobs.

  4. 11:10... those are the ones on welfare. The ones WORKING for a living make $8-12 an hour, with no benefits. They can't afford an apartment unless 2-3 other people share it with them and you think they can get a HOUSE!?
    But, on the other hand, this same demographic VOTED for this crap.
    How's that "Hope & Change" going for you now?
    If their lucky (and it isn't taken from THEM by that time) you can inherit the house.
    Keep cheering!

  5. See above on taxes and foreclosures, and you have the reasons. We are being taxed and regulated into oblivion and poverty.


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