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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hogan: O'Malley-Brown Raiding $1.226 Billion From Environmental Trust Funds Is "Unconscionable"

ANNAPOLIS, MD — August 18 — Gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan blasted his rival Anthony Brown and Governor Martin O'Malley today for raiding more than $1.2 billion in environmental funds and transferring the dedicated money to the state's General Fund.

Larry Hogan said, "Environmentalists and environmentally-focused non-profits in Maryland should be outraged by Mr. Brown's total disregard for the environment and most specifically his disregard for the Chesapeake and Coastal Bays. For the Lt. Governor and his boss to have robbed more than one and a quarter billion dollars from Program Open Space, the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund, the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund, and the Environmental Clean-Up Fund. Raiding these dedicated environmental funds is unconscionable, and it is an economic and environmental disaster waiting to happen."

Environmental Raids from O'Malley-Brown administration:
  • Program Open Space: $690.1 million
  • Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund: $456.2 million
  • Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund: $77.86 million
  • Environmental Clean-Up Fund: $1.2 million


  1. And they double the flush tax from $30 to $60 last year and this is where the money goes. I don't understand why people aren't outraged with this. The bay to democrats is just a way to raise money and waste it on other social programs.

  2. General fund should be called party fund.

  3. Soooo, Marty and Tony took the flush tax money - which we were told was only to help save the bay (albeit in many ways) - and used it to balance his budget while renovating the mansion...leaving potholes on the eastern shore and deteriorating metal in the bay bridge spans!

    Meanwhile they're prosecuting the Texas governor for defunding an alcoholics department when she refuses to resign. We've go the morons right here that should be thrown to the street - and they're trying to keep their policies in place for another term?!

    Wake up people - November is only a few weeks away - get your friends to vote (these bums out of office) with you!

  4. Call it what it is-stealing. Democrats have no problem stealing the future from their own children so why should they care about anything else.
    They are very bad evil people living for today and themselves getting elected instead of even caring about their own children.

  5. OweMalley OWES Jim and Norm for all their support! keep on voting them in and we will keep on getting this action!

  6. 11:27 It's not stealing, it's shoplifting, which is A-OK.


  7. Environmental plans had failed anyway so why not?

  8. The transportation fund, the educational fund, the retirement fund, the enviromenatl fund, etc. what fund have they not robbed? There needs to be a law passed to prevent these so called 'dedicated' funds from being used for anything other than what the taxes and fees are collected for no matter how large the fund gets!


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