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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hillary’s apology to Obama is all about salvaging the African American vote

Despite what you may hear from the corrupt media who said a community organizer was qualified to be president, Hillary Clinton’s take back is about keeping the black vote in line.

In reality Hillary Clinton is Barack Obama in a pantsuit. So her task with the help of the media is to lie when she can to distance herself away from Obama’s radio activity.

It’s an impossible feat, but nonetheless will be interesting to watch.



  1. I don't think this is true at all. This is simply some idiotic garbage being posted by someone without a clue. Hillary has the black vote wrapped up like a Christmas present.

  2. With Democrat politicians, it's all about the next vote - never about what's best for the country!

  3. She will, sooner or later, be in the position of answering the question, in one form or another, "have you stopped beating your wife yet?".
    Her half-assed, say nothing answer to "what is your greatest accomplishment as Secretary of State?" is only a glimpse of what is coming from her in the future.
    She'll make Laurel & Hardy's "Who's on First?" sound like a thesis on astrophysics.

  4. Hillary does not apologize. For anything. It's not in her behavioral vocabulary. She knows that those in power who apologize are admitting mistakes and appear weak. She won't make that mistake. Any apology that you hear from her will be couched in rhetoric that will make your head spin with its emptiness, misdirection, double meaning and references to things that never really happened... or did, depending upon where the advantage lies.

    When a Clinton mouth opens in a time of stress, prepare to be confounded, amazed and even moved.

  5. Umm. Laurel and Hardy didn't do that bit. It was Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. But we get your point just fine.

  6. Black female democrat veteranAugust 13, 2014 at 4:43 PM

    Hillary is toxics. She NEVER had my vote in the first place.

  7. "When a Clinton mouth opens in a time of stress, prepare to be confounded, amazed and even moved."

    But you'll scratch your head afterwards as to why.


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