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Monday, August 11, 2014

Hillary Clinton Attacks Barack Obama Over Foreign Policy

President Barack Obama’s foreign policy has come under attack from Hillary Clinton, his former Secretary of State and possible successor in the White House.

Mrs Clinton has rounded on his caution in providing aid for opponents of the dictatorial Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad.

She used an interview in The Atlantic to put distance between herself and Mr Obama, even though she was part of his first administration.



  1. What a fn htpocrite and this FOOL wants to be the first woman president? I would rather dig up my grandmother and make it like weekend at bernies she would do a lot better JOB.

  2. She is a liar. Must have bumped her head again. She will not even mention her failure in Benghazi, and lied to cover her ass.

  3. Like she knows anything herself. Google and watch the video when she along with that Rice freak and some other bimbo announced Gaddafi's death. It was like she was orgasmic or something.
    We now know how that turned out. US Ambassador and 3 others killed.
    The only thing she is proficient at is lying and obeying and covering up for men when they instruct her to. You know it was a video that caused the attack in Libya-LOL.

  4. Too late Hilary sweetie pie you going to swing with him you're just as culpable as any other Democratic libtard..lie with dogs get up with fleas

    1. Yup and the amerucan people better wake up.

  5. It must be one heck of a thing to be president and have the current Secretary of State ALREADY telling the world what a dumbass you are and how incompetent you've handled things.
    It's going to be REAL hard for her to explain HER role, or her non-role.
    Whichever the case may be, she's going to look like a sniveling idiot.
    But, her supporters, who will act like they just woke up from an 8 year nap, will cheer themselves into a fit at her mere presence.
    Watching her double talk the country will be hilarious.
    Watching her run it into the ground will balance that hilarity out.....

  6. 6:12 She is the former Secretary of State. Kind of kills your credibility right off the bat.

  7. LOL. Sorry about that. Kerry is such a non-presence, I forgot he held the position.
    Did the "sniveling idiot" part touch a nerve?

  8. If she wants to take credit for her work as Secretary of state she has to take credit for foreign policy failure.

  9. Putin must be happier than a pig in __hit!


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