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Friday, August 29, 2014

Here’s your ticket out of Common Core

Teaching standards called 'threat to personal liberty'
The Common Core school standards imposed on teachers by Washington bureaucrats have been rejected by multiple states, targeted by lawsuits and criticized as more indoctrination than education.

Now parents are being given a turn to take a whack at the one-size-fits-all program that relegates George Washington to a half a sentence and compares the Declaration of Independence to a high-school romance breakup letter.

The Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center is urging parents to opt their children out of the restrictive regulations and requirements, providing forms to make the process easier.

“The opt-out form is based on the constitutionally recognized fundamental right of parents to direct the education of their children and on federal statutes which were designed to protect student privacy,” said Richard Thompson, the chief counsel for the organization.



  1. I guess it depends on how many friends she has and how many stickers there are in each bag. Am I missing something here?

  2. Fort Meyers florida voted to opt out of common core....thats how a town sticks together....republicans are the answer!!!

  3. I am eagerly awaiting responses from the Worcester County Bd of Ed elected representatives and government employees to my request of OPT-OUT - what do you think the chances are a concerned taxpayer and parent will receive any response?

  4. What store is she buying them from? Is she using her EBT card?

  5. the correct answer is 0! Either because Juanita has NO friends, or she has no money to buy them because her education sucked so she couldn't find a job thanks to COMMON CORE!!!!

  6. Yeah 1:00. LCM is 12. Shame they don't teach it like that any longer.

  7. She has five friends. Juanita is screwed.

  8. Stickers? More like baggies of heroin.
    How many bags does she have to give her friends so that they become paying customers?


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