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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

GOP Delegates Seek Answers On Immigrant Children

Republican members of the House of Delegates are asking Gov. Martin O'Malley how Maryland will deal with the children coming to the state in the wave of unaccompanied minors from Central America entering the United States illegally.

In a letter Tuesday to O'Malley, the House GOP caucus asked several questions, including how many immigrant children are expected, how they will be sheltered, what public services they will need and how much it will cost.

Republicans urged the governor to brief General Assembly members on the state's response. They did not criticize O'Malley's policy of welcoming the children as refugees rather than treating them as lawbreakers, but statements issued by House GOP leaders reflected skepticism over the governor's approach.



  1. They are not immigrants.

  2. Put them in BALTIMORE with that new CURFEW they will follow all YOUR STUPID LAWS - oh wait they can't READ THEM!!!!

  3. Send them all to O Malley's house. If he does not want to take care of them and pay all their expenses with his own money. Then send the illegals back where they came from. Maryland cannot afford this and neither can our country. The US is already broke without paying for thousands of illegal kids Then also you have the diseases they are bringing with them.


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