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Friday, August 29, 2014

Goodell: I 'Didn't Get It Right' On Ray Rice

Acknowledging he "didn't get it right" with a two-game suspension for Ravens running back Ray Rice, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced tougher penalties for players accused of domestic violence, including six weeks for a first offense and at least a year for a second.

In a letter and memo sent to all 32 teams owners Thursday, and obtained by The Associated Press, Goodell never mentions Rice by name but makes clear references to the Baltimore player who allegedly hit the woman who is now his wife.

Goodell told teams to distribute his memo to all players on their rosters and to post it in locker rooms. It reads in part: "Domestic violence and sexual assault are wrong. They are illegal. They are never acceptable and have no place in the NFL under any circumstances."



  1. gee, really. what a complete and total dumb ass

  2. Thats bc its ALL about the $$$$$$$$$

  3. welcome to the wussification of one of male entertainment .

  4. What an out-of-touch idiot.

    Doesn't he realize Ray Rice is black?

  5. The Ravens have a history of off field violence. The sole reason I don't support the team.


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