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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

‘Ghost employee:’ High-paid Pennsylvania governor aide to resign amid allegations

Ron Tomalis will resign from a job he may not have been doing in the first place.

Tomalis is a former Pennsylvania secretary of education who has worked as an aide in the Corbett administration the past 15 months making $115,000 a year.

A July 27 story by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said Tomalis sent only five emails during his first year in a special adviser position created for him after he resigned as secretary of education in 2013.



  1. Maybe he got Lois Lerner's old computer and it was always being repaired?

  2. What type of proof do you have that he was not doing his job? Just because he only send 5 emails doesn't prove anything! I work with several people who DESPISE email - and REFUSE to use it! Does that mean that they aren't doing their job?


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