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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Founding Fathers rip Obama’s Muslim ‘fabric’

Past leaders take issue with current president's revisionist history

President Obama’s remarks thanking Muslims for “building the very fabric of our nation” and claiming they were in part responsible for “the core of our democracy” have left many in and outside of Washington scratching their heads. But the Founding Fathers would find the comments even more baffling.

Far from incorporating Islam into America’s early tapestry, their own writings reveal the Founding Fathers were at war with the creed and its adherents.

In 1801, President Jefferson sent the Navy to the Barbary Coast to stop Islamic pirates’ reign of terror on U.S. merchant ships. Jefferson read the Quran to understand what was motivating the pirates, and he learned that the Muslim holy book commanded the faithful to “plunder and enslave” non-Muslims.

In 1814, after Tripoli broke its truce and began attacking U.S. ships again, former President John Adams wrote Jefferson a letter advising that Islam’s founder and prophet was “a military fanatic.” In another writing, he condemned Islamic law as “contemptible.”



  1. What a fairy tale from a Muslim, commie fairy. What other offensive crap is this clown going to come up with. Where is the American outrage? Any other time in our history the people would have never let such statements slide. We the people have become pathetic. The socialists are winning.

  2. They worship the anti christ they will never stop til they burn in hell with their master and useful idiots...

  3. STAMP OUT NAME CALLING for the sake of hearing themselves speak. Name calling has no value what so ever!!! It can also be labeled as bullying.

  4. 7:27 Are you being offended? I am offended by what this president is doing to my country, why aren't YOU?


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