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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ferguson police NAME officer who shot Michael Brown - and release video stills of 'strong-arm' store robbery for a box of cigars by perp wearing the same clothes as dead man just MINUTES before fatal confrontation

Police today named Darren Wilson as the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown and released video stills and an incident report on a robbery shortly before the shooting that named the teenager as the ‘primary suspect’.

In a shocking twist to the killing which sparked riots in St Louis over the last few days, the officer investigating the convenience store robbery also attended the scene of the shooting and said the suspect and Brown were the same person.

According to the police report, video shows Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson having an altercation with store staff and allegedly stealing box of Swisher Sweets, a type of cigar.

In the grainy images, a large black man wearing a light-colored shirt, distinctive shoes, a red baseball hat and khaki shorts is seen assaulting a clerk and then stealing cigars.

A photograph of Michael Brown’s body in the street after he was shot dead shows that he was wearing a light grey shirt, the same shoes and khaki cargo shorts. There was also a red baseball cap by the body.



  1. Please dont say the president and CNN and eric holder didnt jump the GUN?

  2. I'm curious why they waited so long and let the riots continue. Not that this will change anything as he was still unarmed and evidently not resisting. Petty theft does not carry the death penalty the last time I checked.

    1. He may have been unarmed BUT. Guaranteed he used his weight and height and probably pushed the cop and tried to get his gun? The cop did the right thing and one less THUG but be vigil bc the knockout game us about to re ignite,lock and load.

  3. 12:31-You forgot Al.


  5. 12:40

    Strong armed robbery is a violent crime, which is COMPLETELY different from petty theft. Not to say the shooting was justified, but this absolutely changes the situation. It also calls into heavy question (to say the least) the "eyewitness" statement of his friend and co conspirator in the crime, who claimed they were just walking and had done nothing wrong.

  6. It comes back to common sense if you don't want the Po Po after your butt don't break the law!!! How much clearer does it have to be???? He got what comes when ANYONE breaks the law. If he had his pants pulled up right he would have probably gotten away!!!!

    1. One less punk off the streets.

  7. I wonder why the police waited so long to produce this info. Are they purposely trying to provoke a race war. There isn't any reason this info couldn't have come out the same day as the shooting. If they are that incompetent they should be fired.

    1. It seems that the rioting gangs of blacks are the ones trying to start the race war. Before information is released it should be correct. The police didn't want to "jump the gun" like our president and the gangs of thugs out on the streets. The police should be given awards for putting up with the worthless thugs and ignorant people like 2:10.

    2. Can you say C.Y A.? boys and girls. The police are out of control.

  8. A lot of people bought into the liberal media narrative that this thug was a decent kid preparing to go off to college in a few days, including me.

    But, now the truth comes out, good shooting officer Wilson!

  9. 2:10 As if the "community" (aka MOB) waited very long for an investigation to be completed. FFS, let it play out.

  10. Our biggest fear is now the cyber bullies named Anonymous. Who is to know who "Anonymous is. Are they the Black Panthers.... a Hitler arranged organization.... a white homegrown hate group? Who knows? All we know is that this is now another bully on the world wide stage. Choose your bully, the NAACP, KKK, Anonymous, Crooked Cops, Crooked justice system. Choose your poison.

  11. 2:33 The police are implying that Brown was shot because he was the main suspect in the robbery only 15 minutes after the fact yet they wait 6 days to release the info.
    A policeman is not supposed to be Judge, Jury and Executioner. That is not what our Constitution is about. That is the tactics the Redcoats used in the 1760's and 70's. That is the same tactics used by the National Guard in Kent State.

    I don't usually respond like this but: before you call someone ignorant grow up and get a life you pos troll.

    PS The one thing I do agree with is that Michael Brown was a thug.

    1. This is 2:33. They were very clear today at the press conference that the shooting officer had no knowledge of brown as a suspect. Even the brown family attorney believes that. That's a fact. We don't know the rest. There needs to be an investigation. The truth will come out. The police released the video because they had to (freedom of information). They would have kept it during the investigation if they could. Before you respond next time, get the facts. That is the ignorance I am speaking of. Maybe you are the pos troll that needs to grow up and get a life.

    2. Seriously? Thugs don't usually go to college you moron. Black male doesn't automatically mean a person is a thug. Get a clue

    3. Ones that rob stores are.

  12. so you dumb clucks are okay with killing someone over a 50 dollar box of cigars?

    1. Yup and thats not the whole story fool,...

    2. I personally are fine with it. Cluck cluck

    3. I'm 2:33. Never said that. Wait until the truth comes out. The officer may have been wrong and may me guilty. But he may have been defending himself against a 6 foot 4 inch 300 pound attacker. If he was attacking me I would have shot him also. Its not a stretch to think he may have attacked the officer because he was violent just minutes before while robbing a store. Has nothing to do with the value of what he stole.

  13. Did no one learn anything about the media after the crap with Trayvon? He was just a kid skipping home with his Skittles when he was hunted down by a 'White-Hispanic' psychopath - according to the media. These people LIE incessantly. Stop believing them.

  14. The issue for Americans watching the Ferguson situation unfold has nothing to do with this man's crime.

    It has to do with the ridiculous aggression used against PROTESTERS.

    The POLICE have shot rubber bullets and tear gas at REPORTERS for crying out loud!
    The Police are out of control

    1. Keep drinking that obama koolaid....fool.

    2. 426 is a obama fool on welfare.

  15. Damn. After listening to the early news reports I pictured this angelic youth casually strolling down the street and is summarily shot down for basically just being black.
    Now I find out that he:
    Robbed a store; did not want to be taken into custody; struck a policeman; possibly tried to get the officer's gun; then tried to remove himself from the scene.
    That is still no reason to be gunned down.
    Wait a minute.... Yes it is!

  16. 3:55 Why would you want to defend a thief? Would it be better if the police just cut his hand off? The kid assaulted a police officer,period.

  17. "so you dumb clucks are okay with killing someone over a 50 dollar box of cigars?"

    Nice try, but you know that is not the point to this story. But I'll explain for you anyway.

    Brown is being portrayed as a stalwart college-bound choir boy who was gunned down by a racist psycho cop. And fools like you slobber over every word. We are slowly learning that he was a big thug who was quite comfortable using violence to get what he wanted. Exponentially increases the likelihood that he truly did attack the cop and was shot in self-defense.

    As a bonus, it helps reveal the 'witnesses' as liars. And the protesters are more motivated by looting than they are by any sense of 'justice'.

  18. 355. I ok with it

  19. I'm watching Fox news right now n am so sad that all this attention on this poor young man that happens to be black. My question is why all coverage on this young man and not all the white kids killed by police and/or blacks. When a black person kills a white person there is no one coming out to say this is racist. Yet God for bid let a person of a different color or race get hurt then all HELL breaks out. I am so sick of if your not black or Asian then you are of value. Any answers? map

  20. 5:21is right, why is every time that incident occurred with person other then white is racist. I believe in being equal but I am tired of having race being push on me because I am white. It's time for white folks to stand up and be proud of what they are.

  21. "The POLICE have shot rubber bullets and tear gas at REPORTERS for crying out loud!"

    Are you implying that is a BAD thing?? Personally, I'd like to see the vermin scramble.

  22. Interesting that the police release the video and then over an hour later finally admit that the officer didn't know that brown was a suspect. seems to me these cops aren't to be trusted. of course the cops are always right and should do what they want.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:55 Why would you want to defend a thief? Would it be better if the police just cut his hand off? The kid assaulted a police officer,period.

    August 15, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    I'm not defending a thief. I'm saying a 50 dollar box of cigars is not worth killing him.

    Brown is being portrayed as a stalwart college-bound choir boy who was gunned down by a racist psycho cop. And fools like you slobber over every word. We are slowly learning that he was a big thug who was quite comfortable using violence to get what he wanted. Exponentially increases the likelihood that he truly did attack the cop and was shot in self-defense.

    As a bonus, it helps reveal the 'witnesses' as liars. And the protesters are more motivated by looting than they are by any sense of 'justice'.

    August 15, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    That 'big thug' had no criminal record, FOOL.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    355. I ok with it

    August 15, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    I hope you're still ok with it when it's your turn.

    Any answers? map

    August 15, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    Research what you are babbling about and you will see you are wrong.

    Its not a stretch to think he may have attacked the officer because he was violent just minutes before while robbing a store. Has nothing to do with the value of what he stole.

    August 15, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    That may be true, but a lot of pos on here think it is okay to be killed for.

    It's time for white folks to stand up and be proud of what they are.

    August 15, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    You're proud of people who kill blacks just because they can?

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "The POLICE have shot rubber bullets and tear gas at REPORTERS for crying out loud!"

    Are you implying that is a BAD thing?? Personally, I'd like to see the vermin scramble.

    August 15, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    And another idiot heard from.

    1. Go back in your obama projects hole let the men speak,no thugs allowed.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Give the cop a medal! He was cleaning up the streets that are over run with these animals, they rob, steal, murder, play knock out games, they are criminals!

    August 15, 2014 at 9:25 PM

    Then Mike Brown must have been real good at it in his short time on earth since he has no criminal record.

    1. He is 18. He has had less than a year to get an adult criminal record. Any trial would be longer than that. If wasn't killed he would have one for robbing that store. He may have had an extensive juvenile record. We will never know.

  25. Sitting here watching Fox News right now. They are out in the streets again, literally acting like a bunch of fools - waving, giving the camera the finger, yelling, holding their arms up in the air. There needs to be a curfew in that town NOW. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton there sure doesn't help matters, all they do is play the race card, period.

  26. 9:57 Nice responses, but you might have put them in an easier to read format. You're wasting your time check out Joe's post from 12:23 today to see what I'm talking about. After all when you have a person calling someone ignorant just because you don't agree with their point of view it shows that persons level of integrity and intelligence.

  27. 9:57 are you saying you're the idiot heard from? It seems that way because you said nothing. Your post makes no sense.

  28. Time to thin the herd.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:57 Nice responses, but you might have put them in an easier to read format. You're wasting your time check out Joe's post from 12:23 today to see what I'm talking about. After all when you have a person calling someone ignorant just because you don't agree with their point of view it shows that persons level of integrity and intelligence.

    August 15, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    Thanks. Sorry about the format but I was concentrating more on the individual posters than other folk. They just want to hate and believe their own ignorant opinions than the facts.

    Sadly, some of them are in law enforcement. Like the ones in Ferguson.

  30. Go back to your obama safehouse.

  31. Joe...take the temperature of the public. How do people feel about safety due to this rioting. Do they remember the race riots in Cambridge. This MUST stop...NOW... or they will burn down the country.

  32. Do they remember the race riots in Cambridge. This MUST stop...NOW... or they will burn down the country.

    August 16, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    Then why don't the police stop murdering people?

  33. police haven't murdered anyone, especially in this case.

  34. "And another idiot heard from."

    Typical 9:57. You're too stupid to articulate an objection, so you resort to calling names. Don't worry - elementary school will be back in session soon and you can return to you intellectual pursuits.

  35. Oh please i bet your the first to call them,hypocrite i say cops should keep thinning the thug herd

  36. The point is not what the policeman knew. The point is that Mr. Brown knew what he had just done and had no way to know why the policeman was there.

  37. You people are so ignorant. This is not only about the death of Mr. Brown. It is about a city turning into a police militarized zone. When your first amendment right is taken away and you are brutalized by the police who think they can control your entire livelihood, you will understand what is going on in Ferguson.

  38. The point is this , the officer who shot and killed the boy will have his day in court. The justice system should decide what will happen. The people who have burned and stolen property broke the law , they should also be punished.
    I might add that Al Sharpton is not the judge or the jury.
    He would be better off volunteering to be a target at the local range.

  39. He was a good child ... all 6'4", 290 lbs of him. Typical liberal speak.

  40. Typical 9:57. You're too stupid to articulate an objection, so you resort to calling names. Don't worry - elementary school will be back in session soon and you can return to you intellectual pursuits.

    August 17, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    Sorry you got butt hurt and resorted to name calling, lol. But if the shoe fits....


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