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Friday, August 08, 2014

Do U Think You Are Good At Texting While Driving?


  1. I have never texted while driving, and in my opinion anyone who does, is a fool. Have had a few close calls with texting idiots who drive. Besides my parents would take away my car privilege and cell if they found I text or talk on the phone while driving. The world needs more caring parents.

  2. just as the bumper sticker says:
    "Honk if ya LOVE JESUS! Text & Drive if you want to meet him."

  3. Indeed you are correct!

  4. At least drunks try to concentrate on their driving to the best of their impaired ability.
    Texters apparently have bigger things to worry about than driving. Add to that the inexperience of the drivers - deadly combo.

  5. Women been driving like this even before the texting area.


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