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Monday, August 04, 2014

DNC Chairwoman Admits Obama Doesn't Do His Job

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee inadvertently agreed with arguments by Republicans that President Barack Obama isn't doing his job properly.

"I'm going to go to the House floor and actually debate why we shouldn't be voting for the first time in American history to sue the president of the United States for doing his job, and doing his job actually less often and at a rate that is lower than any other president since Grover Cleveland," said Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on MSNBC Wednesday, the Daily Caller reported.

Wasserman Schultz was criticizing the GOP's measure to sue the president for executive overreach and added that it's the Republicans that "refuse to do anything."



  1. She is the epitome of "idiot".

  2. You don't have to ADMIT anything - The American people have already realized this fact!

  3. If this wing nut is saying the president isn't doing his job, she shouldn't be trying to stop the GOP from doing their job!

  4. Obama was busy playing golf, at least he wasn't watching porn like the other feds LOL!


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