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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Diplomat Won't Face Charges After Beating Woman In Virginia

Arlington County Police were called to local home connected to the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea on Monday night for a report that a man had beaten a woman with the wooden leg of a chair in an apparent domestic argument.

It does not appear the man will be charged with a crime, however, because he is a diplomat.

The incident took place around 9:30 p.m. Monday in the 4000 block of North 27th Road.

"The subject has full diplomatic immunity and was not arrested," Arlington County Police said in a report Tuesday.



  1. Unfortunately he can only be sent home. He needs to be with a boot in his rectum but that is the way the laws are

  2. Bet its a Muslim.

  3. Well he needs to be charged. This "because he's a diplomat" shouldn't bear any weight. Alas, it does, so do as 8:12 suggested. Send the bastard home!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bet its a Muslim.

    August 28, 2014 at 8:20 PM

    I think you would lose that bet.

    The principal religion in Equatorial Guinea is Christianity which is the faith of 93% of the population. These are predominately Roman Catholic (87%) while a minority are Protestants (5%). 2% of the population follows Islam(mainly Sunni). Remaining 5% practice Animism, Bahá'í Faith, and other beliefs.

  5. I agree with 6:01 he was probably helping save her soul! a good beating always keeps the devil away!

  6. 6:01 and 7:25 are Ravens fans, or players. Bet you guys have class just oozing out of you.

    The guy didn't even have the balls to use his own hands... a chair leg? Pussification is taking over, spreading from the born here's.

  7. Sounds like a muslim. Probably will be invited to the black house, oops, I mean what used to be the White Houise, to have a beer with the kenyan king!

  8. "It's just been revoked!"


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