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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Despite Campaign Promises, Casinos, Not Schools, Are Big Winners From Gaming Profits

By Megan Brockett
Capital News Service

Gov. Martin O’Malley looked into the camera in 2012 and told his audience that expanded casino gambling would mean “hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools.”

That 2012 referendum on gambling had propelled Maryland’s schools into the spotlight of a multimillion-dollar campaign where supporters touted the message that more gambling would be a win for education.

But the measure, approved by voters that fall, has actually worked to send more money to the casino companies in fiscal year 2014 than to the education fund that was established when the state first legalized casino gambling in 2008.



  1. When the lottery pays the tolls on bay bridge on holidays no wonder....Always lies to get the money and laws passed and then this

  2. Everyone with half a brain knew this was going to happen. They claimed it would fund the children and how great our schools would be. They have probably made enough now to rebuild all the schools in Maryland. Of course it got rerouted for other things just like we knew it would.

  3. 1:28 You are absolutely correct. They did the same thing years ago with the lottery. They said it would go to education and it did but by replacing general fund money without actually increasing education funding. This way they can pay for projects that get them votes. The funny thing is they use the extra general funds to increase welfare but the gambling money comes from the very same people.

  4. Isn't it business as usual - government stealing funds from other government sources.
    And there is a liberal myth involved here - that throwing money at education translates into better education. More money spent (or wasted depending on your point of view) on education really means more money in teachers and the unions pockets.

  5. There's an article back up there -^ that says 79% of America dislikes the political system.., this is reason for precisely why, folks. And, you can count me in that 79%.

  6. Joe, did you see the Washington Post article that said Norm Conway was illegally receiving campaign donations from casino owners?

  7. 9:49
    No. If you have a link it would be appreciated.

  8. Well, we knew that ALREADY!


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