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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Despite 2012 law, casino interests and Md. candidates remain intertwined

Maryland lawmakers made it illegal in 2012 for casino owners to make donations to political candidates, a move intended to curb the influence of a deep-pocketed industry new to the state.

The ban, however, is limited and has done little to stop the flow of funds associated with one prolific donor: William M. Rickman Jr., a Montgomery County developer and owner of the Casino at Ocean Downs on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Eleven companies owned or affiliated with Rickman and his family have contributed more than $86,000 to Maryland candidates since the ban took effect in October 2012, according to a Washington Post review of State Board of Elections records and company filings with the state.


10. Del. Norman H. Conway (D-Wicomico), chairman of Appropriations Committee$2,370
Donors: Ocean Downs (racetrack), Cambridge Plaza, Rickman Firstfield Associates, Racing Services


  1. If there is food and money, yes Norman will be there!

  2. Vote for Carl Anderton!!! Let's bring INTEGRITY back to the office.

  3. Joe, the daily tmes ran this article and guess who's name they left out? thats right their good ol liberal buddy norm..
    I say keep this near the top to help peel back the layers. sad thing is this is probably just the top of the iceberg

  4. anyone surprised?

  5. Voters, please do not fall for any of Norm Conway's BS. Term limits should be in place but since they are not, vote him OUT.

  6. It's absurd that the Daily Times picked up the Washington Post article and totally edited out all of the DEMOCRATS names. This is the same newspaper that ran a 5 page spread on a Republican and decided his contributions were not a violation.

    They are lying to you by omission!

  7. Now that I know this information we will NOT step food in that casino again. As long as people continue to spend money at Ocean Downs it will continue to give money to the democrats.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Voters, please do not fall for any of Norm Conway's BS. Term limits should be in place but since they are not, vote him OUT.

    August 7, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    Term limits are in place. Their is this thing called elections in case you haven't noticed. When their term is done the voters will let them know about it just like they did with Rich Colburn.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Now that I know this information we will NOT step food in that casino again. As long as people continue to spend money at Ocean Downs it will continue to give money to the democrats.

    August 7, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Ummm... If you have been paying attention you would have known that Vegas and Atlantic City gambling has always been corrupt.


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