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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dept. of Justice Honors Islamic Activist Allegedly Linked to Al Qaeda Charity

In June, a flurry of press coverage in Western New York reported on the close relationship between District Attorney William Hochul and local Muslim leader Dr. Khalid Qazi. Vows of mutual respect and support were exchanged between Hochul and Qazi, and so were ceremonial awards. The Department of Justice gaveQazi its Attorney General’s Citizen Volunteer Service Award for Community Service at a June 5th ceremony.

Qazi reciprocated on June 7th by honoring DA Hochul at the 10th Anniversary banquet of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Western New York, of which he is the founder and Senior Adviser. Also present at the banquet were Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown and William Hochul’s wife, Kathy Hochul, a former Congresswoman currently running for lieutenant governor of New York on Andrew Cuomo’s Democratic ticket.



  1. This is extremely scary. I kept telling people that everyone that Obama appointed to his cabinet and administration was foreign with Muslim ties. I don't know about you Kool Aid drinkers, but I am ready to go to war with the Muslim and Illegal Alien loving Democrats. A Revolution is the only thing that is going to change things in America. It has already been proven that elections are rigged.

  2. 1:49 I'm with you but we can't do it with the US military behind us and that won't happen until things get really bad.First the idiot liberals(obama and company) will fire all the military ganerals that they think might support a revolution,actually obama has already started doing that.

    1. The biggest issue is we have 2 yrs left of this moron.


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