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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Democrats feel a fall in the air

High times on Capitol Hill could be coming to an end

President Obama is on a two-week vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, as wars rage across the Middle East and Ukraine, terrorists threaten to topple Iraq, and Republicans are on the brink of capturing the Senate.

Around the country, a deepening mood of anger and anxiety permeates America’s electorate, with the midterm elections less than three months away.

In a brewing political civil war among Democrats, Hillary Clinton has unleashed a sharp attack on Mr. Obama’s timid foreign policy, calling for a more muscular response to the spread of global terrorism.

The president’s job-approval scores remain in the low 40s and show no signs of improvement on the problems voters are angry about — from jobs, incomes and the budget deficits to a rash of disturbing government scandals that have exposed an incompetent and corrupt administration.



  1. I will say this in simple language so most can understand.
    The democrats and Obama have messed up or screwed up or ruined this country to the point of no return. That's why he is vacationing and congress doesn't give a crap. It over folks , the joy ride of freedom is over , socialism is upon us and you can't do a damn thing about it. Most of you are too chicken shit to take up arms and take your country back. So , suffer in silence.

  2. Why would ANYONE vote democrat?
    Even democrats are being hurt by their own party. I dont think I'll ever vote democrat again.
    Obama, Pelosi Reed, O'Malley... They have ALL really screwed things up.

  3. And Hillary is pounding a war drum to take us into yet another terrorist action, and she can't even name the country she wants to do it in! So, she just says,"Middle East"!

    The USA has become the biggest terror organization in the world.


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