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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Dem Leader: Hispanic Caucus 'Speaks for All of Us' on Amnesty

On Friday, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) declared that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus speaks for all Democrats on amnesty and immigration.

"Let me make it very clear: the Hispanic caucus speaks for all of us--not just for their caucus members but for the Democratic caucus," Hoyer said at a Capitol Hill press conference with Hispanic caucus members and other Democrat leaders in criticizing Republicans for not passing a border bill.

The Hispanic Caucus has been meeting with President Barack Obama and administration officials like Department of Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson in recent weeks to demand "broad and expansive" executive actions.



  1. The House has passed over three hundred bills and they are sitting on Harry Reid's deck waiting for the Sanate to vote on them. So it is the Democrats that are keeping Congress from doing anything.

  2. They don't speak for me; Andy Harris does.

  3. Hoyer needs a wake up call from Maryland voters. This is not what Americans want. Hoyer needs to be put out to pasture. Folks, we need to get rid of liberal Democrats in November.

  4. Don't vote for anyone in elected office. Sweeping change...they are all corrupt. PROBLEM....so is anyone who would run for office.


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