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Friday, August 29, 2014

Cultural Jihad: CAIR Demands US Overhaul Law Enforcement Training

Thursday we learned that a second American has been killed while fighting for ISIS in Syria — and he also resided in Minneapolis. The government estimates some 100-140 Americans are fighting with ISIS in Iraq and Syria. There is a problem in the Minneapolis area where there is a large Somali community actively recruiting of jihadist fighters. Previously it has been to fight with the al-Qaida- affiliated jihadist group, Al Shabab, but now it seems to be ISIS. And remember that the Congressional representative of that area, Minneapolis, is Keith Ellison – a Muslim who will be speaking at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference in Detroit this coming week — Dearborn is close by.

Now, you’d think that at this critical time when just last week the Islamic terrorist army ISIS beheaded American James Foley, the American Muslim community would be on an all-out PR campaign to express its outrage.

We should be seeing massive marches just like we did a few weeks ago that condemned Israel and vociferously expressed support for Hamas — no? Well, not only are we not seeing that type of response, but the silence is deafening. And it’s not just the absence of these wholesale marches from the Islamic community. Supported by their cultural jihad apologists, there is something else happening even more disturbing.

As reported by Judicial Watch, “Islamic activists that strong-armed the FBI to purge anti-terrorism training material considered “offensive” to Muslims have made their next wave of demands, which include an overhaul in the way all law enforcement officers are trained in the United States. The coalition of influential and politically-connected Muslim rights groups is demanding that the Obama administration implement a mandatory retraining program for all federal, state and local law enforcement officials who may have been subjected to materials they deem “biased and discriminatory” against Muslims. There must also be an audit of all federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering training and educational materials to identify and remove information that could exhibit bias against any race, ethnicity, religion or national origin, the groups demand.”



  1. WOW! CAIR is Demanding something from us. Who the hello do they think they are, other than a front for radical Islam!!!

    We, as citizens, should demand they be disbanded and sent back to their country of origin. period

  2. Yeh they are into thought control too..ISLAM IS SATANS RELIGION....

  3. We can fuss and cuss all we want but nothing is going to happen until we get some politicans who have the courage to stand up against those groups.radical muslim groups who advocate the distruction of America can be declared illegal and their members jailed and deported.That is the law.


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